The tremors of the earthquake were felt at intervals of 15 seconds (Answer)

Q: The tremors of earthquake were felt at intervals of 15 seconds. The first tremor was felt at 8:54:57 and last tremor was felt at 10:45:12. How many times were the tremors felt?

A: The answer is 441

Difference of times = 10:45:12 - 8:54:57 = 9:104:72 - 8:54:57 = 1:50 :15 = 3600 + 3000 + 15 = 6615 seconds.

Now, 6615/15 = 441

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Tremors of the earthquake: 20 multiple choice questions with answers and explanations

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Earthquake tremors are the shaking movements of the ground caused by the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust. This release of energy creates seismic waves that propagate through the Earth, causing the ground to shake. Earthquakes can vary in intensity and duration, with tremors ranging from barely noticeable to severe and destructive.

Feeling an earthquake tremor can be a startling experience. The sensation is often described as a sudden shaking or jolting of the ground, similar to the feeling of being on a shaky surface or experiencing a sudden vibration. Depending on the intensity of the tremor and the distance from the epicenter, the shaking can range from mild to strong, and it may last for a few seconds to several minutes. It's important to take safety precautions during an earthquake, such as staying indoors if possible, taking cover under sturdy furniture, and avoiding windows and heavy objects that could fall.

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