Procedure for earthquake drill for daycare or preschool

Q: What are the procedures for earthquake drill to be conducted at daycare or preschool?

A: The earthquake drill for a daycare or preschool is necessary to tackle the emergency situation. An individual should be aware about how to be safe during the earthquake after the disaster.

Below are few suggestions from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):

To do before an earthquake

-Make your building more earthquake-proof
-Include earthquake preparedness in your emergency plans
-Teach children and staff what to do if an earthquake happens

Prepare an emergency kit

The emergency kit should include

-Flashlight with extra bulbs and extra batteries
-Portable battery-operated radio and extra batteries
-First aid kit and manual
-Roster of children with addresses and their parents’ emergency contact information
-Emergency food and water
-Essential medicines and medical supplies
-Diapers and wipes
-Work gloves
-Sturdy boots or shoes

Earthquake drill

-Identify a safe gathering place outside
-Teach the children to Drop, Cover, and Hold: Have your children, staff, and others present at the time Drop to the ground, take Cover under a table or desk, and Hold On to it as if a major earthquake were happening (stay down for at least 60 seconds
-Practice Drop, Cover, and Hold in earthquake drills

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