JAPAN: Massive sinkhole near Fukuoka's Hakata Station swallows five-lane street

Sinkhole near Fukuoka's Hakata Station, Japan (The Japan Today)
November 8, 2016: A massive sinkhole swallowed a five-lane street near Fukuoka's Hakata Station on Tuesday morning.

The sinkhole occurred around 05:00 local time near Hakata Station, the busiest in Fukuoka city in the southern island of Kyushu.

The sinkhole an intersection near JR Hakata Station measured around 30 meters long, 27 meters wide and 15 meters deep.

The sink didn't cause serious injuries but disrupted power, water, gas and transport links in the area.

The online systems of the Bank of Fukuoka was disrupted by the accident. Similarly, Fukuoka airport also temporarily experienced blackouts, forcing ticket machines to stop working briefly.

"The sinkhole was likely caused by water flowing into tunnels at the site," The Japan Today has written quoting City officials as saying.

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