Ricardo Salazar claims May 16, 2016 as the END OF THE WORLD!

People often ask, "When is the world going to end?" And every time new doomsday prophecies claims certain date. Now its turn of Pastor Ricardo Salazar, from the Global Church of the King of Israel, in Tokyo, Japan, who predicts a major disaster on May 16, 2016.

According to Pastor Ricardo Salazar, an asteroid of 9 km in diameter will hit the Earth with initially killing 1,200 million people and leave a world at the mercy of famine and disease for four years before the Anti-Christ descends to Earth.

In the doomsday video, Salazar claims that God has told him to aware people about the massive space rock, made largely of ice, striking the Earth on 16th May 2016. The asteroid collision will cause apocalyptic earthquakes of 12 magnitude earthquake triggering super mega Tsunamis.

Pastor Ricardo also adds that one month later, on June 16, 2016, the World War III will start leading to famine, infection and cholera in the world.

How true is Pastor Ricardo Salazar prophecy?

There is no analytical reason behind this prophecy. It's just a rumor!

Earlier in 2015, Pastor Ricardo Salazar prophecy claimed of huge earthquake and meteor shower bringing massive forest fires around the world. Apart from that, numbers of internet doomsday prophecies talked about something BIG on 8th March 2016 as the date was set for the passage of asteroid close to the Earth. But nothing happened.

NASA knows of no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth. NASA has also mentioned that "no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years."

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