Landslide in Guatemala's Santa Catarina Pinula kills 26; leaves 600 missing

Massive landslide in Santa Catarina Pinula town of Guatemala has claimed lives of at least 26 people and left 600 others missing, emergency services said Friday.

The landslide has buried around 125 homes in Santa Catarina Pinula, 15 km south of the capital Guatemala City, Reuters has mentioned quoting Alejandro Maldonado, head of Guatemalan disaster agency CONRED (Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres).

Rescue operation at the landslide site in Santa Catarina Pinula, Guatemala (Reuters/Josue Decavele)
Dozens of rescue workers, police, soldiers and volunteers are involved in rescue operations. Guatemala's National Disaster Mitigation Coordination (CONRED) has set up a temporary shelter nearby for homeless residents.

"The local government would help cover the funeral expenses of the victims and provide support for the subsequent relocation," Xinhua has written quoting the Mayor of Santa Catarina Pinula.

The landslide occurred late Thursday following heavy rains in the town of Santa Catarina Pinula and small village of El Cambray II.

Original Post: Recent Natural Disasters List October 3, 2015
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