North Korea hit by worst drought in a century

North Korea has been hit by the worst drought in a century causing fears of chronic food shortages.

North Korea suffered a devastating famine in the 1990s and has relied on international food aid where the United Nations says almost a third of children under five are stunted because of poor nutrition, Reuters reported.

The main rice farming regions of Hwanghae and Phyongan provinces have dried due to the lack of rain. According to the State Hydro-meteorological Administration, no rainfall has been witnessed in North and South Hwanghae provinces.

"The worst drought in 100 years continues in the DPRK, causing great damage to its agricultural field," The North's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.

According to data available, rice-transplanting has been finished in over 441,560 hectares of paddy fields across the country as of June 8, but at least 136,200 hectares of them are parching up.

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