Recent flood in Argentina's Cordoba province kills 7

Recent flood in Argentina's Cordoba province has claimed lives of at least seven people. Heavy rainfall triggered flood in Ascochinga, Jesús María, Juárez Celman, Río Ceballos, Unquillo and Mendiolaza areas of Argentina.

Three of them were swept away by strong currents in the town of Rio Ceballos when the local river burst its banks.

"There are 1,000 evacuees in the Sierras Chicas area and Córdoba City who have not been able to return to their homes," Buenos Aires Herald reported as quoted by the governor José Manuel De la Sota.

Streets turned into raging torrents after recent flood in Argentina's Cordoba province (AFP)
The governor has asked the National Army for help in receiving and aiding evacuees. The government sent 17 vehicles and 123 gendarmerie officers to Córdoba, Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich said.

Massive flooding in Buenos Aires and La Plata in April 2013 claimed more than 50 lives. Argentina saw the heaviest April rainfall in a century.

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