Education makes people less vulnerable to natural disasters, Research shows

A new study by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) published in the journal Science has shown that education making people less vulnerable to natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and storms that are expected to intensify with climate change.

The result was based on the analysis of natural disaster data for 167 countries over the past four decades.

"Our research shows that education is more important than GDP in reducing mortality from natural disasters", Science Daily has written quoting the saying of Raya Muttarak affiliated with the Vienna Institute of Demography.

The research explored the connections between fatality rates in natural disasters, education levels, and other potential factors that could contribute to resilience such as wealth and health.

Journal Reference: 
Lutz W, Muttarak R, Striessnig E. (2014). Universal education is key to enhanced climate adaptation. Vol. 346 no. 6213 DOI: 10.1126/science.1257975

Original post: Natural Disasters List December 2, 2014

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