Pakistan, India floods 2014: Disastrous floods in Kashmir Valley kills 441

Floods and landslides in Pakistan, and the Indian-administered and Pakistan-administered parts of Kashmir have claimed lives of at least 441 people, authorities said Tuesday. 

So far, 241 have died in Pakistan and Pakistan-administered Kashmir. At least 200 people have been killed in India, officials said.

According to the Business Recorder, the regions of Jammu and Kashmir in India and Azad Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and Punjab in Pakistan have been affected by the floods.

Around 2600 villages have been affected in Jammu and Kashmir, out of which 390 village of Kashmir are completely submerged, The Economic Times mentioned.

Following The Home Ministry of India, several thousand villages across the state have been hit and 350 villages are submerged by the floods.

The Prime Minister of India has offered an assistance of INR10 billion (US$170 million) to the state government, this was in addition to INR11 billion (US$180 million) already earmarked for the disaster, The Hindustan Times reported. The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi called it a "national calamity".

Photo shows an aerial view shows a damaged bridge across the River Tawi at Mandal village on the outskirts of Jammu, India (AP/Channi Anand).


Photo shows Kashmiri residents struggle to withstand a sudden, strong current while wading through floodwaters in their effort to move to a safer place in Srinagar (AP Photo/Dar Yasin).


Photo shows a rescue worker helping a flood victim into a boat, after heavy rain in Wazirabad, in Gujranwala, Pakistan (Reuters/Mani Rana).


According to the Pakistani and Indian troops, they have evacuated more than 60,000 people. Pakistani and Indian troops have been using boats and helicopters to drop food supplies for stranded families and evacuate victims. 

Authorities in Pakistan say the floods, which began September 3, are the worst since massive flooding killed 1,700 people in 2010.

Original post: Natural Disasters List September 9, 2014

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  1. The type flash floods, snows, fire, earth quakes and volcanic eruptions are only going to increase exponentially. It relates to exponential increase in heat being released into the environment. Time and again nature has shown how she can punish civilizations that live in illusions and against her. There is a simple PRINCIPLE AND DESIGN on which she works to sustain the heat and temperature of earth within in limits. As she is pushed to limit she reacts. Knowing this is the only means we can survive from her fury. The catastrophic end to which the world is moving is evident. These types of destruction would exponentially grow till humanity awakens to truth. I by grace had predicted it and even personally wrote it to leaders of nations and organizations that determine our fate. But they live in ego and maximum illusion running after material gains and power. I am positive but I am not sure how much destructions, nations should endure before it awaken to truth -

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