PNG landslide kills 9

Massive landslide in Eastern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea has claimed lives of at least nine people Saturday night.

Massive slip of earth, trees and debris crashed down a mountain side in Kenagi village, Capital FM has written quoting the Post Courier newspaper.

Landslide also buried nine houses. Others three people, seriously injured are having treatment in the hospital.

The landslide covered about 30 metres of the road and about two metres high. The Highlands Highway has also been blocked by the landslide.

Heavy rainfall caused landslide disaster in Kenagi village of PNG.

Papua New Guinea is prone to landslides mainly caused by deforestation in major forests.

Original post: Natural Disasters List November 4, 2013

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  1. Wow! That claimed so many lives. I am astonished that 9 houses were buried under the debris. I bet that it didn't look good.
    My feedback is to add a phew photos/pictures on the post.

    -Anonymous Dude

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