Reports of an earthquake felt in Idaho

Update 2
USGS has recorded a 2.8 magnitude earthquake eighty miles northeast of Rexburg, Idaho. It's hard to believe the people are mentioning about this earthquake. Did you feel any tremor around 8:30 pm? 

Update 1
Lots of people from Magic Valley are reporting of tremor they felt. No reports yet from the USGS earthquake website.

Reports of an earthquake felt in Southern Idaho some minutes ago. Did you feel it? If so let us know. Please write in the comment section below. We will be following the earthquake in Idaho...

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  1. Monday night I felt something. I felt like a train was going by or a big truck, but not living next to train tracks and in a dead-end street made me go outside to see what happened. Earthquake would explain it.

  2. Monday night like at 9 i felt like a big truck pass by,and i felt a little shake. I heard it and felt it.

  3. At 10:44 am a slit rumble and rolling moved my house in Mackay , idaho on 1/3/15

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