South Africa earthquake shakes Barberton and Nelspruit

M 4.7 moderate earthquake shakes South Africa today, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake's epicenter was located 50 km W of Barberton and 56 km SW of Nelspruit. It was 3.1 miles deep.

People of Barberton, Nelspruit, Sabie have reported light to weak shaking.

Earthquakes in South Africa are rare. Magnitude 4.0 earthquake in Swaziland shook South Africa in May 2012.

14:52 UTC (local time 2013-07-07 16:52 @ epicenter)

Epicenter Location
50 km W of Barberton, South Africa
54 km ESE of Belfast, South Africa
56 km SW of Nelspruit, South Africa
70 km SW of White River, South Africa
79 km NW of Mbabane, Swaziland

Original post: Natural Disasters List July 7, 2013

4 تعليقات

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  1. How can US geological survey measure the earthquake in South africa after it had happened

    1. Uhm hello ??? They take the data that we (south african scientists) already captured in regards to the earthquake

  2. Wow, what a surprise as a 4.0 earthquake hits or shakes South Africa on the 7th of July Yod 2013 - AL 6013 Barberton and Nelspruit known as the North Eastern Transvaal,

    which houses the questionable God Window tourist site, and or the questionable secret Antichrist Yod Zionist Shadow Government "Dravadian Rock Image Jewish/India Temple of Luciferian worship "

    not forgetting the all important Sudwala Caves, which obviously has to be the eye opening situation to why NWO Antichrist conspirators from 1990, secretly built the rebuilding of King Solomon's Quarries long awaited Jewish/Egyptian Temple,

    known as the NWO pyramid 18 floor under the ground Yod 1993 Temple of sin, cleverly calling it from 1993 as The Year of the Yod, from the cleverly converted 1992 Jewish nation of South Africa.

    Unknown the 1993 Year of the Yod ushered in the NWO 1993 American Embassy, which in all ways related to the Sudwala Caves and Dravadian Rock Image Temple.

    What becomes very interesting, to the above, known as the questionable Sudwala Caves, which houses after entering it, the natural Rock type graven image of the Serpent god head of Lucifer/Ouroboros- Pharaoh the Sex Demon Dagon.

    Unknown and or unrealized the above disasters type 4.0 South Africa earthquake that shook the Barberton - Nelspruit area in North Eastern Transvaal South Africa has much to do with the Sudwala Caves - Dravadian Temple and or Rock Image for Jews and Indians from India,

    is scripturally known, as to when and where Adam and Eve fell down to from the Garden of Eden meaning the Sudwala Caves in South Africa refer to Genesis 3:8-24).

    Bear in mind, when Adam and Eve fell to the ground the spirit of Lucifer also known as Pharaoh - The Serpent God Ouroboros, known as their Yod Annuit Coeptis Die U godhead, was within their hearts and souls (Isaiah 14:12-14 - Ephesians 2:2) as the Yod godhead Matthew 5:18).

    In other words, they fell from the Garden of Eden due to rebellion of the Word (John 1:1) down to the earth into the Sudwala Caves based in South Africa north of North Africa Egypt...

    recall Lord JESUS prophesied according to the scripture prophecy of Revelation 11:7-8...

    And when they The two witnesses known as the two Candle Sticks and the Two Olive Trees shall have finished their testimony, the Antichrist Yod beast,

    that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

    8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city of Babylon The Great, which spiritually is called Sodom (South Africa) and Egypt (also known as North America), where also our Lord JESUS The Christ Messiah Emmanuel was crucified

    refer to Revelation 13:8 The Lamb of Abba Father God Almighty was slain from the foundation of the world known spiritually within Abel the righteous (Matthew 23:35)

    In other words, Egypt - North America is to where the Antichrist system known under the mastermind and hand of King Pharaoh/Lucifer - Serpent God Ouroboros, known as King of Egypt/South Africa -

    known as the counterfeit Esau/Cain - Core Luciferian Israel, who have bound Father God Almighty Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a peculiar people, but a pre-ordained chosen generation

    scripturally known Abel (Sheth) meaning His Lord JESUS Hebrew/Christian Israel, By the Blood Covenant Promise made with Abraham Isaac to Jacob, who were bound into Egyptian/Jewish Luciferian Yod Pharaoh/Serpent godhead slavery (Jeremiah 34:9).

  3. Pythia-Levithian-Kandalini-Serpent-Lilith-Snake-Satan-DEVIL-Demons. Matthew 12:28 But if I drive out the demons by the SPIRIT of GOD/ELOHIM then the Kingdom of GOD/ELOHIM has come upon you.Obadiah 14:15 The Day of the LORD/YHWH is near for all nations.As you have done it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your head.

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