Gansu earthquake 2013 (updates, pictures, videos)

M 5.9 very strong earthquake has hit Gansu, China. The China Earthquake Administration has launched an emergency-response plan after this deadly Gansu earthquake. The National Committee for Disaster Reduction and the Ministry of Civil Affairs has also launched a level-four emergency response and sent work teams to the quake zone. Updates below:

Update 10:05 UTC
Five more bodies are found, making death toll at 94. According to the Gansu seismological bureau, one person is still reported to be missing.
Ukraine and Russia have expressed condolences, support over NW China earthquake.

Update 2013/07/23; 02:00 UTC

Death toll has further climbed to 89 with five still missing.
Two helicopters have already reached the earthquake zone and are performing disaster relief missions. Earthquake relief materials like food, tents, cotton-padded clothes etc are being distributed.

Update 14:55 UTC

Death toll from Gansu earthquake has further risen to 89 with 628 people injured, 5 people are reported missing.
Thirty medical experts have been send to the earthquake zone.

Update 10:50 UTC

Death toll from Gansu earthquake has risen to 75. Still 14 people are reported to be missing. Earthquake has injured at least 584 people.

Related post: List of natural calamities in China

M 5.9 very strong earthquake in Gansu, China has claimed lives of at least 53 people and injured 337 others.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake's epicenter was located 13 km E of Chabu. It was 7.7 miles deep.

Earthquake in Gansu has damaged more than 21,000 buildings in eight different towns.

The China Earthquake Administration has launched an emergency-response plan after this deadly Gansu earthquake. The emergency plan includes close monitoring of the earthquake today and sending disaster-relief teams to affected areas.

The National Committee for Disaster Reduction and the Ministry of Civil Affairs has also launched a level-four emergency response and sent work teams to the quake zone.

The Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) National Headquarters (NHQ) and the Gansu Red Cross have jointly deployed a relief team. Similarly Hong Kong Red Cross has deployed relief personnel to the affected areas in Gansu.

Below are some photos and a you tube video of Gansu earthquake 2013 (Photos via



1920 Gansu earthquake (Haiyuan earthquake), 3rd deadliest earthquake of all time had claimed lives of at least 273,400 people.

The Gansu earthquake 2013 (Dingxi earthquake 2013 or Minxian earthquake) occurred on 22 July, at 07:45 a.m. in the region of Min and Zhang Counties, Dingxi Prefecture of Gansu Province of China.

Shaking Intensity (MMI)
VI (Strong): Chabu, Sigou and Chengjiao Zhen.
V (Moderate): Xiaozhai, Chengjiao Chengguanzhen, Xijiang, Minshan and Qinxu.
IV (Light): Linxia
III (Weak): Lanzhou and Beidao.

Epicenter Location
13 km E of Chabu, China
151 km W of Beidao, China
154 km SE of Linxia, China
177 km SSE of Lanzhou, China
1233 km WSW of Beijing, China

Original post: Natural Disasters List July 21, 2013

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