UAE earthquake prediction: NCMS denies rumor

The Abu Dhabi-based National Center for Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) has denied the
earthquake predicted in UAE between April 25 and 30.

Rumors claimed that a big earthquake will hit UAE between April 25 and 30. More surprisingly the rumors has claimed that the report comes from US Geological Survey.

Earthquake rumors in UAE was also circulated some days ago when magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit Iran-Pakistan border. The tremors were felt in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. In the Fake BlackBerry message, another big earthquake was predicted in half an hour which didn't happen.

Again new message has spread across UAE. National Center for Meteorology and Seismology said the circulated information is false because earthquakes can never be predicted.

Can anyone predict earthquakes?
Unfortunately, there is still no way to predict when an earthquake will strike. Scientists have a pretty good idea of where an earthquake is likely to strike, but there is still no way to tell exactly when it will happen, or how big it will be (USGS).

DR: PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS  NO ANY WAY TO TRACK COMING EARTHQUAKES. NO ONE IN UAE OR ANY PARTS OF THE WORLD CAN PREDICT/FORECAST EARTHQUAKE TO HIT ANY REGION. Please read similar posts about such rumors which was viral over internet. But as usual the prediction went wrong!

Related posts:
Assam major earthquake prediction go viral : But no earthquake
Cebu earthquake prediction false

Original post: Natural Disasters List April 19, 2013

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  1. Now this news has spread allover!!!

    I got this news from Emirates

    There is a possibility of a powerful earthquake hitting Iran in the next 48 hours, according to the World Earthquakes data.

    “High seismic activity may occur for the next 48 hours” in Iran, the World Earthquake said on Friday.

    The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has also predicted that a powerful earthquake that could hit the region between Thursday, April 25, and Tuesday, April 30. But UAE's National Center of Meteorology & Seismology said that it's a rumour and earthquakes cannot be predicted.

    The World Earthquakes also warned of another powerful quake possibly hitting Japan in the next 48 hours.


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