Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano spews water vapor plume

Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico has spewed water vapor plume around 9:30 am today, CENAPRED reports.

Steam and ash column from Popocatepetl volcano reached a maximum height of 400 m.

As of 17:00 UTC, no ash fall has been recorded in Puebla.

Related post: Recent volcano eruption in Mexico 2013

Following Puebla Civil Protection, ash plumes could reach north of the city of Puebla and in the municipalities of San Nicolas de los Ranchos, San Andrés Cholula and San Pedro.

Tlaxcala is also on alert for possible ash fall.

Update report will be added once available.

Photo: Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico generated 2013/04/13 at 12:27 CDT; WebsCamDeMexico

Original post: Natural Disasters List April 13, 2013

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