Recent Natural Disasters In Andorra
Recents desastres naturals a Andorra
This list contains all major natural disasters in Andorra with detail report.
Aquesta llista conté tots els grans desastres naturals a Andorra amb informe detallat.
The most recent natural disasters are at the top of the list.
Els desastres naturals més recents són a la part superior de la llista.
If certain natural disasters/hazards around your area aren't listed, kindly report through contact form
Topics: Earthquake, Flood, Volcanic Eruption, Tornado, Tsunami, Wildfire, Drought, Hailstorm, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Epidemic, Famine, Lahar, Limnic Eruption, Mudflow, Solar Flare and other disasters.
Temes: terratrèmol, inundació, erupció volcànica, tornado, tsunami, incendis forestals, sequeres, pedregades, onades de calor, huracans, epidèmies, fam, Lahar, Erupció límnica, inundacions de fang, Erupció solar i altres desastres.
Note: The disaster here, includes only which are published in this blog.
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Natural Disasters In Andorra 2014
Natural Disasters In Andorra 2013
Natural Disasters In Andorra 2012
Recents desastres naturals a Andorra
This list contains all major natural disasters in Andorra with detail report.
Aquesta llista conté tots els grans desastres naturals a Andorra amb informe detallat.
The most recent natural disasters are at the top of the list.
Els desastres naturals més recents són a la part superior de la llista.
If certain natural disasters/hazards around your area aren't listed, kindly report through contact form
Topics: Earthquake, Flood, Volcanic Eruption, Tornado, Tsunami, Wildfire, Drought, Hailstorm, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Epidemic, Famine, Lahar, Limnic Eruption, Mudflow, Solar Flare and other disasters.
Temes: terratrèmol, inundació, erupció volcànica, tornado, tsunami, incendis forestals, sequeres, pedregades, onades de calor, huracans, epidèmies, fam, Lahar, Erupció límnica, inundacions de fang, Erupció solar i altres desastres.
Note: The disaster here, includes only which are published in this blog.
Check Worldwide Natural Disasters List + Detail Report
Follow Disaster Report @ facebook (Disaster Report), twitter (Disaster_Update) and Google +(Disaster Report)
Natural Disasters In Andorra 2014
Natural Disasters In Andorra 2013
Natural Disasters In Andorra 2012