Natural Disasters List March 28, 2013-Strong wind in Australia

Recent Natural Disasters 2013: This natural disaster list covers important natural disasters in the world with detail update report.
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Recent Natural Disasters
  • Strong wind gusts in Melbourne, Australia
    Wall collapse in Melbourne region has claimed lives of two people.
    -Strong wind gusts caused the wall collapse of the old Carlton & United brewery site. Click for detail report on wind gust in Australia.
  • Hailstorms in Lao Cai, Vietnam
    -Recent hail storms in Vietnam have damaged roofs of 10,500 people. Hailstorms have also injured 26 people.
    -Hailstones as large as 8-10 cm in diameter have rained down in Lao Cai area. Click for detail report on Vietnam hailstorms.

Recent Earthquakes 
  • M 4.6 moderate earthquake in Tarapaca, Chile (@ 100 km depth) with epicenter located 108 km ENE from Iquique. People of Arica and Tacna will have felt weak shaking of MMI III.
    07:48 UTC (local time Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 03:48 AM @ epicenter) 
  • M 4.9 moderate earthquake Offshore Guatemala (@ 42 km depth) with epicenter located 36 km S of Champerico. Light to weak shaking will have felt by the people of Amatitlán, Antigua Guatemala, Cahabón, Panajachel, Quetzaltenango and Retalhuleu.02:53 UTC (local time Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 08:53 PM @ epicenter)

Recent Flash Floods
Ongoing Major River Floods (Based on Satellite observation):
Afghanistan (Amu Darya), Angola (Cotundo), Australia, Bolivia, Botswana (Selinda), Brazil (Rio Juruena, Araquaia, Purus, Tocantins), China (Mekong, Xi Jiang, Brahmaputra, Yangtze, Indus), Colombia (Rio Negro), Honduras, Iraq (Shatt al Arab), Kenya, Mozambique (Chire), Pakistan (Indus), Peru (Ucayali, Rio Maraon), Philippines, Sudan (Blue Nile), United States (Mississippi, Arkansas), Vietnam, Zambia (Zambezi, Likando).

  • -

Recent Volcanic Activity
Erupting Volcanoes: Fuego, Reventador, Etna, Nyiragongo, Ol Doniyo Lengai, Erta Ale, Barren Island, Raung, Paluweh, Gamalama, Sakurajima, Kakar, Tinakula, Yasur, Tolbachik and Kilauea.
  • Spain (Canary Islands)/El Hierro recent volcanic activity
    Around 230 earthquakes have been recorded west of Frontera, IHI in last 24 hours. Most of the earthquakes are less than magnitude 3.0.
    -Several rockfalls have been reported along the road of Frontera-Sabinosa.
    -PEVOLCA has declared Yellow Alert for the western part of the Canary Islands. Click for detail report on El Hierro volcano.

Recent Tropical Cyclones
There are no tropical storm activities for today.

Natural Disaster News
  • Hail storm in Taiwan
    -Several areas in northern Taiwan have experienced rare hailstorms today evening.
    -Hailstone in Taiwan ranged from 0.5 centimeters to 1.5 centimeters. Click for detail report on Taiwan hail storm.
  • Greek researchers have developed a Tsunami scale. In a research was recently published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Greek researher claimed to make the New Integrated Tsunami Intensity Scale 2012 (ITIS2012) which is a 12-grade magnitude scale .

Useful information to read this daily natural disaster list

This natural disaster list contains daily list of recent natural disasters around the world. The page is break down into various parts as Recent Natural Disasters (real time update report on rolling natural disaster around the world), Recent Earthquakes  (only earthquakes which are felt by people), Recent Volcanic Activity (erupting volcanoes), Recent Flash Floods (ongoing flood information), Recent Tropical Cyclones (active cyclones) and Natural Disaster News (facts and news about natural/environmental disasters on various topics like Tornado, Tsunami, Wildfire, Drought, Hailstorm, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Epidemic, Famine, Lahar, Limnic Eruption, Mudflow, Solar Flare and other disasters)
The major natural disasters are linked to definite page containing update report on that disaster.
The global natural disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS, EDIS..

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Disaster Report reports recent natural disaster news 24 hours a day. A daily natural disasters list (published everyday) includes details of all (almost) natural disasters occurred worldwide. Click for recent natural disasters list.

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