Extremely dangerous Myanmar earthquake 2012: Tremor felt in Thailand, Bangladesh and India

Disaster Report: Magnitude 6.8 extremely dangerous earthquake shakes Myanmar today. Tremors were felt even in Thailand, Bangladesh and India.
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Original post: Natural Disasters List November 11, 2012
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-An official of Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement reports 16 people killed and 71 others injured where as International Red Cross reports 26 deaths. Below is what IRC says:
"An earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale struck central Myanmar on 11 November at 7.42 a.m. local time. Twenty-six people died and 231 were injured as a result. About 462 structures were damaged."

Update 10:00 UTC
-Death toll from the Myanmar earthquake has risen to 14. Some of the dead are miners who were killed when a gold mine collapsed.
-Earthquake occurred at the meeting of the Shan Fault and the Sagaing fault.

Sue Min Chong from Bangkok, Thailand writes, "I felt the earthquake on the 9th floor of the apartment in Bangkok. I thought there is an earthquake in Bangkok, so I started to panic."
Below is a photo of damaged caused by earthquake in Kyaukmyaung township in Shwebo, Sagaing Division, northwest of Mandalay, Myanmar.


The Ayayawaddy-river-crossing bridge ( Yadana Theinga) under construction that links Shwebo, Kyaukmyaung in Sagaing region with Singu in Mandalay region also collapsed. At least six people died and other 25 injured when the bridge which was 80 percent built collapsed. Two monasteries in the town of Kyaukmyaung also collapsed.

M 6.8 extremely dangerous earthquake shakes Myanmar today, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake's epicenter was located 115 km (71 miles) N from Mandalay. It was 6.1 miles deep.

Following USGS PAGER MAP, strong shaking of MMI VI will have felt by the people of Shwebo and Mogok. People of Mandalay, Maymyo, Monywa and Sagaing will have felt moderate shaking of MMI V. People of Imphal, Myitkyina, Taunggyi, Haka and Kohima.
Tremor was even felt in Thailand's capital Bangkok along with Bangladesh's capital Dhaka and parts of India.

Five people are reported to be killed in Myanmar earthquake. A bridge under construction across the Irrawaddy River east of Shwebo collapsed.

The USGS has issued a yellow alert, saying "some casualties and damage are possible" but that the impact should be relatively localised.

Two moderate aftershocks estimated at 5.0 magnitude struck about 20 minutes later about 50 miles northwest of Mandalay.

Today's Myanmar (Burma) quake is the strongest quake in the area since a 6.0-magnitude quake in 1991. March 2011 temblor near the borders with Thailand and Laos killed 70 people.

01:12 UTC (local time Sunday, November 11, 2012 at 07:42 AM @ epicenter)

Epicenter location

115 km (71 miles) N from Mandalay, Myanmar
126 km (78 miles) NE from Monywa, Myanmar
239 km (148 miles) N from Meiktila, Myanmar
568 km (353 miles) E from DHAKA, Bangladesh
Myanmar earthquake 2012, Myanmar earthquake today, Myanmar earthquake zone, Burma earthquake 2012

Related posts:
Strong Earthquake in Myanmar, Well felt in vast area
Heavy flooding in Thai-Myanmar Border

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  1. These series of earthquakes happening around the world today were foretold by Jesus in Luke 21:5-11 as one of the signs of the nearing fall of the temples who taught that "he (jesus) is the christ" and that "the time of the end is near". Know why these temples are to fall through the following links:



    May you read the said links with your Bible and with an open mind.

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