Moderate Shallow Earthquake Jolts Zurich, Switzerland, No Damage Reported

Disaster Report: Moderate Shallow Earthquake Recorded In Zurich, Switzerland Today With epicenter located Just 14 km S Zurich

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The Swiss Seismological Service (SED) mentions, "Am Samstag, 11. Februar, um 23:45 hat sich zwischen Zuger und Ägerisee, in einer Tiefe von ca 30 km, ein Erdbeben der Magnitude 4.2 ereignet. Das Beben ist in weiten Teilen der Deutschschweiz, im Berner Jura, und bis ins Tessin verspürt worden.
Aufgrund der grossen Tiefe ist es sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass dieses Beben Schäden verursacht hat.
In der selben Gegend hat sich letztmals am 23. Oktober 1997 ein ähnlich tiefes Beben ereignet, allerdings mit Magnitude 3.2 etwas schwächer als das Beben von Samstag nacht"


Swiss seismological agency also doesn't expect any damage from this quake.The magnitude same as EMSC mentions


Though the earthquake at this depth and with this magnitude is enough to shake Zug and Zurich area, there is almost no chance of causing any damage. It is certain people are little panicked because the earthquake has strike Switzerland where earthquakes are rare.


Earlier EMSC mentioned M 4.1 @ 16 km depth but it has updated as M 4.2 @ 32 km depth USGS remains @ M 4.1 @ 16 km depth. Earthquake in these are recorded but most of them less than M 2.0
View over Zurich and Lake Zurich from the Üetliberg; Source Wikipedia

M 4.1 moderate shallow earthquake in Switzerland (@ 16 km depth) with epicenter located just below Hirzel. It will have well felt in Horgen and Zurich, Switzerland. The epicenter located 14 km S Zurich

Felt Reports as received by "Disaster Report" through "Felt report form"

Marie glokevic from Gockhausen: I was woken up by a few seconds of shaking, and noise. I thought it was quite strong as it woke me up
Dennis Nielsen from Bassersdorf: Sofa and bed shook. Glass door cracked
Norbert gaberthuel from Reinach Aargau: Was watching TV. Heard like a rumbling, it felt like rolling underneath the block of apartment we live in. felt like the block moved a few mm.It was very short.Was not really any shaking
Isidor Heggli-Kurmann from Schaffhausen, Jägerstrasse 22: Short shaking, about 1 second, but very distinct and frightening.
Josephine from Zollikon: Loud noise like an explosion. Vertical shaking.
Jade Heggli from Schaffhausen, Switzerland: Just south of Schaffhausen. Felt the shaking for about 2-3 seconds and heard a bit of rumbling. Was my first time to feel such a thing! Heard a bit a rumbling as well.

Carlos Puente from Switzerland: 2 seconds of sound followed by one short shake
Sladjan Kokot from Wallisellen:
Weak shaking felt
Nathan Turner from Uster, Zürich, Switzerland: Quite loud outside, lasted maybe 2-3 seconds, my cupboards opened bc of the quake. It was my first experience so it was very unnerving.
Epicenter Location
14 km SSE of Zurich, Switzerland
65 km WSW of St. Gallen, Switzerland
67 km N of Andermatt, Switzerland
93 km ENE of BERN, Switzerland
Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and the capital of the canton of Zurich. It is located in central Switzerland at the northwestern tip of Lake Zurich
Tags: 2011 Switzerland earthquake, Zurich earthquake, .earthquake zug, earthquake felt in Switzerland, earthquake in Zurich, earthquake switzerland today, February 11, Switzerland, Züri earthquake, earthquake zurich, natural disasters in Switzerland, Natural disasters in zurich, earthquake report switzerland

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  1. the tremor was well felt...i was bounced..suddenly laptop fell down..scary

  2. is that we are going to have more aftershocks in Switzerland??

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