Recent Natural Disasters List January 1, 2012

Disaster Report: Contains Daily list Of Recent Natural Disasters Around The World With Detail Update Report.

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Recent Natural Disasters List

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 to everyone :) Hope NO more NATURAL DISASTERS in 2012

Recent Felt Earthquakes

Did You Feel It!! Let Us Know> Click here

  • M 4.2 moderate shallow earthquake in Romania (@ 33 km depth) with epicenter just below Albeni, Romania. It will be well felt by the people of Gorj, Albeni, Bumbesti-jiu of Romania. (Category under Natural Disasters in Romania)
    23:57 UTC
    (local time Monday, January 02, 2012 at 01:57 AM @ epicenter)
    EMSC Felt Reports
    Drobeta-Turnu Severin (Romania): I was sitting at my pc, drinking a class of juice..then I felt like my chair was moving and the juice from the class started to ballance to left and right. My music was on, playing so I didn't heart a lot, but is not the first time and I knew is similar to other earth-shakes that was here.
    Everything fine in the end.
    Bucharest (Romania):
    the motion was slow, the flowers were dancing lightly. I have some glass balls on my lighting. Also they were balancing. they have been balanced also during the Chile Earthquake.
    Ruse (Bulgaria):
    My monitor is slightly shaken
    Gorna Orjahovica (Bulgaria): the water in my cup and bottle was making circles
  • M 5.3 moderate shallow (@ 1 km depth) earthquake in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. It will be well felt in Meulaboh and faintly in populated area of Banda aceh, Indonesia
    18:09 UTC
    (local time Monday, January 02, 2012 at 01:09 AM @ epicenter)
  • M 5.0 moderate shallow earthquake near to Christchurch, New Zealand. The epicenter is just 24 km ENE of Christchurch, New Zealand (@ 14 km depth). It will be well felt by the people of Kaiapoi, Christchurch and Rangiora city of Canterbury region.
    12:27 UTC
    (local time Monday, January 02, 2012 at 01:27 AM @ epicenter)
  • M 6.8 deep harmless sea quake in Izu Islands, Japan Region (@ 349 km depth). A weak shaking will be felt by 292,000 people which include those living in Tanabe and Shingu region.
    People of Tokyo also reported it to be felt faintly.
    05:27 UTC
    (local time Sunday, January 01, 2012 at 02:27 PM @ epicenter)
  • M 4.6 moderate shallow earthquake in Tripura, India region (Mukhachariduar, State of Tripura) with epicenter 61 km E of Comilla, Bangladesh. Comilla is the populated area with population about 4,00,000. Agartala of Tripura, India lies 70 km far from the epicenter. It will be well felt around epicenter and faintly in 100+ radius (@ earthquake in India)
    02:35 UTC (local time Sunday, January 01, 2012 at 08:05 AM @ epicenter)
  • M 5.2 moderate harmless Sea quake in Santa Cruz Island (@ 77 km depth) with epicenter located 86 km SSE of Lata, Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Isl. It will be faintly felt
    00:50 UTC (local time Sunday, January 01, 2012 at 11:50:09 AM at epicenter)

Recent Volcanic Activity 

Map of the southeastern or "windward" Hawaiian Islands, USGS
  • Hawaii/Kilauea Recent Volcanic Activity
    -Color Code ORANGE : Alert Level WATCH
    -Seismic tremor levels near Pu`u `O`o low
    -The most recent (preliminary) sulfur dioxide emission rate measurement was 1,200 tonnes/day on December 29, 2011
    . Click for Kilauea web cam
  • Alaska/Cleveland Recent Volcanic Activity
    -Color Code YELLOW : Alert Level ADVISORY
    -No signs of new eruptive activity
    -More sudden explosions may still occur with plumes exceeding 20,000 feet above sea level
    -The Cleveland web cam is located in remote area so it is frequently having technical difficulties. Click for Cleveland web cam

Recent Cyclones

  • Benilde (04S) with current wind speed 130 km/hr is active in Indian Ocean. GREEN ALERT

"Recent Natural Disasters List" Page

This page contains the Daily list of all Recent Natural Disasters around the world. The
page is break down into various parts as Recent World Disasters containing Update Report on Rolling Disaster, Recent Felt Earthquakes, Recent Volcanic Eruptions (active volcanoes), Recent Flood Update with Ongoing Flood event, Recent Cyclones and Other Disasters containing Landslide, Drought along with other Natural Hazards. The Major Natural Disaster are linked to definite page containing update report on that major disaster.
The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS, EDIS..
Get latest information of any disasters in our daily page Recent Natural Disasters List.
You can follow even in facebook (Disaster Report) and twitter (Disaster_Update)

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Natural Disasters List
Tags: natural disasters list, 2011 natural disasters list, recent natural disasters, natural disasters 2011 list, 2011 disasters list, recent natural disasters list, recent natural disasters 2011, current natural disasters, natural disasters 2011, natural disasters list 2011, recent natural disasters in 2011, list of natural disasters in 2011, recent disasters, list of natural disasters, natural disasters december 2011, recent natural disasters, natural disasters 2011 list, world disasters, disaster report, recent earthquakes, felt earthquakes, recent volcanic eruptions, recent flood, recent cyclones, fire, drought

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