Recent Natural Disasters List December 17, 2011

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Recent Natural Disasters List

Damage of a wash out on Bird's Hill, Nelson
being inspected source Nelsonmail
Recent Disasters

  • New Zealand Flood 2011(UPDATED 12/17/2011)
    Heavy damage is seen in Ligar Bay, Totaranui, Pohara Valley and Cable Bay area.-Rocks Rd is closed today morning too.
    The weather in Nelson would gradually improve but there could still be showers in the northwestern ranges near Kahurangi tomorrow and on Monday
    About 205 phone lines are out in Tahunanui, and are still not expected to be fixed until December 22
    Click for detail update report On New Zealand Flood 2011
  • Series of earthquake in Puerto Rico today
    Series of earthquake stuck Puerto Rico today. The Max. MMI was V.
    -Luckily the epicenter is not below land. However it can be felt all over the island of Puerto Rico. -It is reported to be felt as far as Dominican Republic. (Detail report below/ "Recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico")
  • Landslide in Oakura city of New Zealand
    -Evacuation in Oakura
    -Heaviest rainfall in 10 years in that area

Recent Earthquakes

  • M 5.1 moderate shallow earthquake in Mona Passage, Puerto Rico today with epicenter close to  Belvedere, Puerto Rico (@ 14 km depth). Max. MMI V. The populated area of Ponce (pop 152,634) is 76 km far from the epicenter. People of Aguadilla, Anasco, Cabo Rojo, Mayaguez, San German, San Juan, Guaynabo, Hormigueros region of Puerto Rico will feel it well. It will be felt in Vast area. However, no damage is expected.Did You Feel It!! Let Us Know> Click here
    06:06 UTC (local time Saturday, December 17, 2011 at 02:06 AM @ epicenter)
    UPDATE 4
    Según los datos de la Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico, el segundo sismo alcanzó a sentirse con una intensidad de V en la escala Mercalli Modificada en el área de Mayagüez, lo que quiere decir que la mayoría de las personas los sintieron y que posiblemente puedan haberse producido algunas grietas en las edificaciones.(According to data from the Puerto Rico Seismic Network, the second felt earthquake reached an intensity of V in the Modified Mercalli scale in the area of ​​Mayagüez, which means that most of the people felt and might possibly have produced some cracks in buildings)
    UPDATE 3

    Number of earthquakes are recorded in Puerto Rico today. The earthquakes recorded are less than magnitude 3.5
    UPDATE 2
    It is also reported to be felt in different regions of Dominican Republic. On November 28 also, M
    4.9 moderate shallow earthquake shook Puerto Rico (terremoto en Puerto Rico)  
    Another moderate shallow Sea quake of magnitude 5.3 stuck same region of coastal waters of Puerto Rico (Joyuda) today within minutes. Luckily the epicenter is not below land. However it can be felt all over the island of Puerto Rico
    . (Category under puerto rico natural disasters 2011)
    EMSC Felt Reports
    My wife and I were sleeping and were awoken by an initial quake that I would say lasted 20 seconds followed by another one 15 seconds later . The second one later a bit lomger. We felt the bed shaking and and heard the voices of the. Neighbors saying there is another one.  People came out of their houses and some neighbors were seen running to the town plaza as Mayaguez sits close to the ocean fearing a Tsunami.
    Maricao :
    As it is still night, i will check for damage tomorrow. minutes later the lights went out various times until finally they stayed off. From past experience with Hurracanes I can expect that somewhere in the out lying countryside electrical lines were damaged and were being isolated in order to be fixed.
    Aibonito :
    I was LITERALLY awoke by this earthquake! It felt pretty
    Hard and lasted about 20-30 seconds and immediately felt another one of lesser magnitude but for about the same time! You could definitely hear the rumble
    And the glass doors were really at it! The dogs and cats woke up, very much alert to the situation!!!

    Strong woke me up. Rapid and short up/down movement but also swaying side to side. Closet doors rattle, ceiling lamp swung etc.Dogs in the neighborhood started to bark. Looked for it on the web by phone and while doing this it earth started to  shake again stronger and longer.  Rumbling noise. I put on clothes , shoes, gathered personal stuff (wallet house car keys etc). I was ready to start running and getting outside. Feeling two in a row and the 2nd one stronger than first one was really scary.
    Really Noisy
  • M 3.1 shallow earthquake in Romania with epicenter just below Sighetu marmatiei (pop 40,653), Romania. It will be felt as far as Baia mare (pop 136,553), Romania.
    12:21 UTC (Local time 14:21; 12/17/2011)
  • M 4.1 moderate very shallow earthquake in Georgia (Skhartali) today with epicenter just below Ambrolauri (pop 2,408), Georgia. People of Tkibuli, Kutaisi, Georgia will also feel it well.
    11:03 UTC (local time 15:03; 12/17/2011 @ epicenter)
  • M 4.9 moderate shallow Sea quake in South of Africa very far from Agulhas, Province of the Western Cape. It will not even be felt.
    00:12 UTC (local time Saturday, December 17, 2011 at 02:12 AM @ epicenter)

Recent Volcanic Eruptions 

There are no eruption update at this time. Check back later or use search box in left column to find earlier updates

Recent Floods

Recent Cyclones

  • Tropical Storm WASHI (27W)  with wind speed 102 km/hr is active in Pacific Ocean. Tropical Storm Washi made landfall at 2:30 p.m. (06:30 GMT) Friday in Davao Oriental province's Banganga township, about 625 miles (1,000 kilometres) southeast of Manila.
    Tropical Storm Washi in Mindanao, Philippines-Total 180 people dead with 400 reported missing
    -The worse hit are major ports of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan
    -97 bodies were recovered in Cagayan de Oro, with another 75 bodies found in Iligan

Recent Natural Disasters Page

This page contains the Daily list of all Recent Natural Disasters around the world. The page is break down into various parts as Major Disaster Report containing Update Report on Rolling Disaster, Recent Earthquakes, Recent Volcanic Eruptions (active volcanoes), Recent Flood with Ongoing Flood event, Recent Cyclones and Other Disasters containing Landslide, Drought along with other Natural Hazards. The Major Natural Disaster are linked to definite page containing update report on that major disaster.
The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS, EDIS..
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