Recent Natural Disasters List December 6, 2011

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Recent Natural Disasters List

Carcass of cow on the ground in San Isidro de Cienega,
Mexico source reuters
Recent Major Disaster Alert
  • Mexico is experiencing worst drought in last 70 years. Different Mexican states  Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato and Zacatecas are badly affected by this drought. Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Yucatan are recent added states in Mexico which are too having drought-related problems
    -The government is sending water tankers to 1,500 villages and food to poor farmers who have lost all their crops.
    -Residents have to drink contaminated water or nothing at all. About 70% of country is suffering from drought.
    -Tarahumara Indians are suffering severe shortage of food and water and destroyed crops
    According to Mexico's National Weather Service, the affected states had average about 21 inches of rain annually but just 12 inches this year.
    -Texas in North is also having similar problem with record of driest year in its history
    Farmers in Mexico have lost 2.2 million acres of crop
  • Tungurahua Volcano of Ecuador has thrown pyroclastic boulders up to a mile from the crater. After the sharp increase in volcanic activity, residents near the Tungurahua Volcano are already noticed to evacuate. Earlier loud roars from area have shaken windows up to 14 kilometers (8.6 miles) away from the event.
    people are noticed to leave high-risk areas around the volcano soon.
    -There is report of ash being spread to nearby villages.
    -A small pyroclastic flow down the flank streams to West is observed
    -Light rains were reported yesterday (did not produce lahars)
    Last December a red alert was declared looking the seismicity of Tungurahua (Throat of Fire- in the indigenous Quechua language). At that time residents and tourists were evacuated for short time.

    Below we have extracted Ecuador's IGEPN (Geophysics Institute) news, reported yesterday (in spanish)
    Desde la mañana de hoy se ha observado una columna de emisión con moderada a alta carga de ceniza que alcanza 1 km sobre la cumbre del volcán y se dirige hacia el norte y nor-este, por esta razón se han recibido reportes de caída de ceniza en poblaciones    ubicadas en esta dirección como son Baños y Runtún. Desde la madrugada de hoy, se     reporta la generación de bramidos esporádicos de intensidad moderada a baja. No se   han logrado realizar observaciones constantes de las manifestaciones superficiales al   nivel del cráter debido a la presencia de alta nubosidad.La actividad sísmica se mantiene con el registro constante de la señal de tremorintercalada con esporádicas explosiones.                                                                       

Today's Disaster Report

  • Snow storm in USA (State of New Mexico) is reported due to which roads and highways from El Paso to Albuquerque is shut down.
    -A 70 year old man was found dead in Downtown El Paso region yesterday due to cold weather.

    -El Paso might receive 3 to 5 inches of snow accumulation overnight
    -More than 45 road accidents are reported.
  • landslide in El Salado city of  Colombia (Departmento de Tolima, South America) has killed 7 people till now.The victims were five women and two little girls, and an eight person was injured. An unusually heavy rainy season has been blamed for at least 121 deaths in Colombia since September. 
  • Wildfire in Wadena, North America (State of Minnesota) that almost spread to a home has been ruled arson . The fire is under investigation and authorities believe it was intentionally set with the use of fireworks.

Recent Earthquakes

  • Magnitude 4.7 moderate earthquake in Leyte, Philippines with epicenter located 66 km WNW of Tacloban, Leyte, Philippines. It will be welt felt by the people of
    Central and Eastern Visayas.
    19:31 UTC(local time Wednesday, December 07, 2011 at 03:31 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.5 very shallow earthquake (@ 10 km depth) with MMI IV in Turkey-Iraq Border Region with epicenter below Kardesler. People of Cukurca, Hakkari and Dahuk  will feel well shaking experience.
    15:46 UTC (local time Tuesday, December 06, 2011 at 05:46 PM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.9 deep moderate earthquake (@ 135 km depth) in Halmahera, Indonesia with epicenter located 36 km of Sasu. People of Ternate and Tidore will feel light shaking.
    15:04 UTC
    (local time Wednesday, December 07, 2011 at 12:04 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 2.6 very shallow earthquake (@ 1 km depth) in Germany with epicenter located just below Huttenroda, Germany. People of Völkershausen and Bad salzungen will also feel it.
    12:30 UTC (local time 13:30 @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 5.1 moderate earthquake disaster in Tonga with epicenter located far from Huma. Slight tremor will be felt.
    10:15 UTC (local time Wednesday, December 07, 2011 at 12:15 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 2.7 very shallow earthquake (@ 6 km depth) in Southern California (Coyote Wells). The epicenter is very close to Ocotillo. People of Ocotillo, Seeley, Jacumba Hot Springs and El Centro of Southern California will feel it well. Light shaking will be experienced far from epicenter. This was the time when people just went to bed. Prieto, Cerro volcano is 40 km far from the epicenter location. M 3.0 earthquake was recorded six hours ago in Northern California too.
    07:48 UTC (local time Monday, December 05, 2011 at 11:48 PM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.6 moderate aftershocks in Eastern Turkey with epicenter located below Ilikaynak, Van Ili. The epicenter is 33 km NNE of Van, Turkey. It will be well felt around epicenter. The earlier M 7.2 took more than 605 lives in that area.
    02:56 UTC (local time Tuesday, December 06, 2011 at 04:56 AM @ epicenter)

Recent Volcanoes 

  • Still the Red Light, Level 1, in the Restinga (El Pinar) and Yellow light in the rest of the island continues in Hierro Canary Islands located in Spain. Hierro contains the greatest concentration of young vents in the Canary Islands. It is great site for tourist attraction but due to volcanic activities tourist have been decreased by 30%. Following canarias7, a group of entrepreneurs in the municipality of Frontera has launched a campaign to promote the island of El Hierro to travel from La Gomera, Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Palma by the crisis in the tourism sector generated as a result of volcanic eruption
    The emission rate of sulfur dioxide analyzed by scientist has decreased to 5 tonnes per day. Earlier on November 6, emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) peaked to 109 ± 19 tonnes per day which was highest to be recorded. The recently added video (December 4) of La Restinga, El Hierro shows steam coming out of the sea from probably lava balloons.
    Following rtvc: La erupción submarina de El Hierro ha vuelto a dejar este martes imágenes espectaculares. Un espectáculo de la naturaleza que no han querido perderse los turistas, que acuden a La Restinga equipados con cámaras fotográficas y prismáticos de largo alcance.
    -The Public Entity Radio Televisión Canaria in collaboration with Telefonica, the Canary Islands Government, and Abertis Idecnet camera installed special technical features to help track the submarine eruption still occurs in the Sea of calms. (@
    -Scientists say a new island could be being created by an undersea volcanic eruption in the Atlantic Ocean south of the Canaries
    -The seismic-volcanic phenomenon of El Hierro has recorded 11,915 movements since last july.
    -Seismic activity is decreasing continuously showing that the eruption is slowly ending. Inhabitants seems to have little relief now.
  • Increased activity shows the eruption of Katla Volcano soon. It is reported that more than 500 tremors are recorded at Katla from the last month. Scientist warns that this Icelandic volcano could cause Catastrophic flooding and will disrupts air travel too. Small eruption was on 8 and 9th July, 2011 this year, which only melt the glacier. However there is a debate, if it is going to cause any global impact or not. last huge eruption in 1918 caused meltdown of large glacier ultimately sweeping iceberg into the ocean by resulting floods.
    Following Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) which reports that

    There are presently no measurable signs that an eruption of Katla is imminent; however, given the heightened levels of seismicity, the situation might change abruptly. Monitoring teams at IMO are following the ongoing activity closely, and sensor-based networks around the volcano ensure that all seismological, geodetic, and hydrological changes are detected.

    is one of Iceland's most frequently erupting volcanoes
  • Mount Gamalama in Indonesia's North Maluku province (Island of Ternate) erupted releasing volcanic ashes. However there is no any report of damage or losses by this disaster.
    Officials reported that some parts of Ternate were covered by ash rain and blackout was occurred at the foot of the volcano. people were bit
    afraid with it after which official urged them to stay calm.-Babullah Airport at the foot of the volcano is closed today too.
    -Alert level for the volcano, currently at 3 out of the maximum 4
    -Authorities are maintaining a 3.5-kilometer exclusion radius around the crater of the 1,715-meter volcano
    -There were at least six major eruptions between Sunday night and Monday morning
    Gamalama's last major eruption was in 2003. No deaths were reported then. Indonesia has about 500 volcanoes. Of these, 128 are active and 65 are listed as dangerous.

Recent Floods

  • Thailand Flood- Death Toll has risen to 666.
    The flooding still prevails in 15 provinces, affecting, 4,733,137 people
    in Thailand (Category under Recent Natural Disaster in Thailand this month)
    Click for detail update report On Thailand Flood 2011

Recent Cyclones

  • Tropical Cyclone ALENGA-11 with wind speed 28 m/s is active in Indian Ocean. GREEN ALERT 

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