Recent Natural Disasters List December 5, 2011

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Recent Natural Disasters List

Recent Major Disaster Alert
  • Mexico is experiencing worst drought in last 70 years. Different Mexican states  Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato and Zacatecas are badly affected by this drought. Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Yucatan are recent added states in Mexico which are too having drought-related problems. Here is report via recent uploaded video of Severe drought condition in Mexico by Reuters.
    -Residents have to drink contaminated water or nothing at all. About 70% of country is suffering from drought (Category under most recent natural disasters list in Mexico)
    -Mexican Government
    is sending food to poor farmers who have lost all their crops.
    -According to Mexico's National Weather Service, the affected states had average about 21 inches of rain annually but just 12 inches this year.
    -Texas in North is also having similar problem with record of driest year in its history.

    -The number of cattles died due to starvation and thirst are more than 1.7 million
    - Lakes and reservoirs in different states are at critical lows
    -Various crops like
    corn, beans, oats and others in San Jose de los Gonzalez town are withering in the field.
    - Farmers in Mexico have lost 2.2 million acres of crop
  • Galeras Volcanic  Eruption in Colombia is raised to Alert level II. Tremors continue in Volcanic areas. An orange warning level has already been issued, which means an eruption could occur any time now. More than 8,000 who reside in the nearby communities of La Florida and Narino are already evacuated. Looking the Past history, most eruptions from Galeras are short and violent.
  •  Tungurahua Volcano of Ecuador has thrown pyroclastic boulders up to a mile from the crater. Minor earthquake are also recorded in this area. After the sharp increase in volcanic activity, residents near the Tungurahua Volcano are already noticed to evacuate. Earlier loud roars from area have shaken windows up to 14 kilometers (8.6 miles) away from the event.-There is report of ash being spread to nearby villages.
    -Yesterday too, eruptions were observed spewing gases with lava pouring some 1,000 meters below the crater. Similar event happened on Saturday too.

    Last December a red alert was declared looking the seismicity of Tungurahua (Throat of Fire- in the indigenous Quechua language). At that time residents and tourists were evacuated for short time.

Today's Disaster Report

  • Wildfire in Pirin Mountain area (municipality of Yakoruda) of Bulgaria has already spread on 100 decares of beech forest. It is mountainous area and very difficult to access.Just several days ago, another massive wildfire in Bulgaria's Pirin Mountain was successfully extinguished.
  • Flash flood disaster in Central Sulawesi has killed 5 person with 1 still missing. Kulawi District, Sigi Regency area of Indonesia are worse one to be affected.
    -412 villagers are evacuated till now
    -36 houses are destroyed totally and 147 houses are
    seriously damaged.
    -BNPB’s quick response team is working in the area.
  • Yesterday Mount Gamalama in Indonesia's North Maluku province (Island of Temate) erupted releasing volcanic ashes. However there is no any report of damage or losses by this disaster.
    Officials reported that some parts of Ternate were covered by ash rain and blackout was occurred at the foot of the volcano. people were bit
    afraid with it after which official urged them to stay calm.
    -Slow moving red lava was seen  at its peak
    -The nearby airport is closed

    Gamalama's last major eruption was in 2003. No deaths were reported then. Indonesia has about 500 volcanoes. Of these, 128 are active and 65 are listed as dangerous.

Recent Earthquakes

  • Magnitude 5.7 very shallow strong earthquake with MMI VI near south coast of Papua, Indonesia with epicenter located 67.3 km S of Manggawitu. About 1,000 people will experience a moderate shaking of MMI V. People of Tual and Nabire will feel light shaking of MMI IV. Most of the people woke up after this tremor. Epicenter is in Sea water and the populated area is very far so, we don't expect any damage from this quake.19:28 UTC (local time Tuesday, December 06, 2011 at 04:28 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 5.1strong earthquake With MMI V in Western Australia (Cape Range National Park) with epicenter located  46.5 km S of Onslow. People of Onslow and Exmouth will have felt a strong shaking. Felt as far as Carnarvon, Karratha and Roebourne.
    19:10 UTC (local time Tuesday, December 06, 2011 at 04:10 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.8 moderate earthquake (@ 76 km depth) at intermediate depth in Tajikistan with epicenter located below Bogev. People of Khorug (pop 31,843), Tajikistan will also feel it well.
    16:10 UTC (local time 21:10 @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.1 earthquake (@ 10 km depth) disaster Off the coast of Jalisco, Mexico (Cuacuyul, Middle America) with epicenter very far from the residential area. People nearby coast will experience light shaking.
    15:57 UTC (local time Monday, December 05, 2011 at 08:57 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.4 moderate shallow earthquake (@ 28 km depth) in Central Mongolia with epicenter 23 km of Gurvan-tes, Bayanhongor Aymag. Max. felt MMI III which indicates weak shaking. Will be faintly felt in Hovd (pop 27,924) region. It is 206 km WNW from Bayandalay, Mongolia.15:32 UTC (local time Monday, December 05, 2011 at 11:32 PM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 3.9 earthquake in Caucasus region, Russia with epicenter just below Novyy. People of Suvorovskaya and Cherkessk will experience a weak shaking.
    14:58 UTC (local time 17:58 @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.5 earthquake (@ 44.2 km depth) in Nias region, Indonesia with epicenter below Faighunago. It will be faintly felt as far as Gunung stoli (pop 24,787). It will be well felt around epicenter.
    14:28 UTC (local time Monday, December 05, 2011 at 09:28 PM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.1 very shallow earthquake in Greece with epicenter located 7.41 km S of Chavriata. It is near to Lixoúrion (pop 3,758). Weak earthquake with MMI II.
    12:30 UTC (local time 14:30 @ epicenter)
    EMSC Felt Reports
    Argostólion: Bigger and louder than previous one. Longer than usual.Rumble went on longer than usual.batural disasters
    Sami: Loud rumble followed by repeated jerky back & forth motion. Lasted several seconds.
  • Magnitude 4.9 shallow moderate earthquake (@ 11.6 km depth) in western Turkey with epicenter located 17 km S Plomárion (pop 3,338) and 34 km S of Mitilini, Lesvos Island, Greece (Nomos Lesvou) .The populated area Izmir (pop 2,500,603) is 85 far from epicenter. It will be well felt in Plomárion and Mitilíni region and faintly as far as Athens Greece. Mitilini Airport of Greece is 20 km far and Kaklic Airport of Turkey is 43 far from the disaster area.
    08:17 UTC (local time Monday, December 05, 2011 at 10:17:28 AM @ epicenter)
    EMSC Felt Reports
    Mytilini: It was a well felt earthquake with a swinging motion of the building felt from the ground floor. As an office with customers inside we all quickly rushed to get out doors.
    Chios: it lasted for several seconds!
    Number of earthquakes are recorded in short interval of time. The strongest after it was M 4.2 @ 2 km depth.
  • Magnitude 4.2 moderate earthquake(@72.3 km depth) at intermediate depth in Guatemala  (La Laguna) with epicenter located 23 km (14 miles) SW of Escuintla, Guatemala. max. felt MMI III which indicates weak shaking. It is volcanic area.
    07:35 UTC
    (local time Monday, December 05, 2011 at 01:35 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 3.7 earthquake (@ 13 km depth) in Southern Iran (Nanizak)with epicenter below Borazjan (pop 86,059). Faintly felt as far as Bushehr (pop 157,765), Iran.
    06:12 UTC (local time 09:42 @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 3.8 earthquake in North Israel with epicenter in the  Tiberias and Hula Valley region. It was well felt in Galilee and Golan Heights regions, as well as further south which lasted for about 3-4 seconds. People seems to frightened in that area. Hundreds of Ynet readers sent emails of feeling tremor immediately reporting shaking of tables and chairs.
    04:07 UTC @ epicenter
  • Magnitude 5.2 moderate aftershocks (@ 10.3 km depth) in Honshu, Japan (Hasaki) with epicenter located 116 km (72 miles) E of Mito, Honshu, Japan. JMA reports M 5.1 @ 10 km depth in Ibaraki-ken Oki region with max. felt intensity 2 for Fukushima which indicates weak shaking.
    01:01 UTC
    (local time Monday, December 05, 2011 at 10:01 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 5.2 moderate earthquake(@ 85.4 km depth) in Papua New Guinea (Wanimbun) with epicenter located 70 km NW Lae (pop 76,255). It will be faintly felt by the people. There is Nadzab Airport 25 km far from epicenter.
    00:14 UTC (local time Monday, December 05, 2011 at 10:14 AM @ epicenter)

Recent Volcanoes 

  • Still the Red Light, Level 1, in the Restinga (El Pinar) and Yellow light in the rest of the island continues in Hierro Canary Islands located in Spain. Hierro contains the greatest concentration of young vents in the Canary Islands. It is great site for tourist attraction but due to volcanic activities tourist have been decreased by 30%.
    The emission rate of sulfur dioxide analyzed by scientist has decreased to 5 tonnes per day. Earlier on November 6, emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) peaked to 109 ± 19 tonnes per day which was highest to be recorded.
    -Scientists say a new island could be being created by an undersea volcanic eruption in the Atlantic Ocean south of the Canaries
    -Yesterday there have been some steaming lava fragments in the Sea of ​​Calm
    -The seismic-volcanic phenomenon of El Hierro has recorded 11,915 movements since last july.
    -Seismic activity is decreasing continuously showing that the eruption is slowly ending. Inhabitants seems to have little relief now.
  • Increased activity shows the eruption of Katla Volcano soon. It is reported that more than 500 tremors are recorded at Katla from the last month. Scientist warns that this Icelandic volcano could cause Catastrophic flooding and will disrupts air travel too. Small eruption was on 8 and 9th July, 2011 this year, which only melt the glacier. However there is a debate, if it is going to cause any global impact or not. last huge eruption in 1918 caused meltdown of large glacier ultimately sweeping iceberg into the ocean by resulting floods.
    Katla is one of Iceland's most frequently erupting volcanoes
  • Kilauea Volcano Located in Hawaii and Pacific Ocean, HI is upgraded to Orange code. Lava flows active southeast of Pu`u `O`o, Seismic tremor levels low and gas emissions elevate from recent days.
    The most recent (preliminary) sulfur dioxide emission rate measurement was 600 tonnes/day on November 29, 2011. 
    -The flow is currently (December 4) moving alongside a kipuka and forest fires is reported.
    -Lava flows are active southeast of Pu`u `O`o

Recent Floods

  • Thailand Flood- Death Toll has risen to 666
    Click for detail update report On Thailand Flood 2011
  • Flood in New South Wales states of Australia has killed One child. Still the ALERT continues in Northern New South Wales town of Wee Waa. Heavy rain is predicted in coming months due to a La Nina pattern in the Pacific Ocean in Northeastern Australia.
    Moree Plains Shire, Inverell Shire
    and Armidale Dumaresq areas are now declared as Natural disaster areas.
Recent Cyclones

  • Tropical storm ONE-11 with wind velocity 102 km/h is active in Indian Ocean (updated @ 15:12 UTC). The wind velocity is forecasted to decrease to 93km/hr for tomorrow. GREEN ALERT
  • Tropical storm TWENTYFIVE-11 with wind speed 12 m/s is active in NW Pacific. GREEN ALERT for Vietnam, Cambodia
Recent Natural Disasters Page
This page contains the Daily list of all Recent Natural Disasters around the world. The Major Natural Disaster are linked to definite page containing update report on that major disaster.
The Recent Earthquakes, Volcanoes , Floods, Cyclones, Landslides and other natural disasters and natural hazards are listed in this page under "Recent Natural Disasters"
The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS..

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