Recent Natural Disasters List December 2, 2011

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Recent Natural Disasters List

Recent Major Disaster Alert
  • Extreme Drought has affected States of Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato and Zacatecas in Mexico. It is expected to continue into next year. More than 450,000 cattle have died in arid pastures.Note that it is the worst drought in Mexico in last 70 years.
    Mexico is experiencing its worst drought since 1941, with 2.5 million people left without water. Officials said in a meeting yesterday that the Mexican government plan to allocate 16.93 billion pesos ($1.21 billion) for the Disaster Prevention and Management Program next year as the condition this year has became worse there. Now fourteen other states - Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Yucatan  are also experiencing drought-related problems.
  • Galeras Volcanic Eruption in Colombia is raised to Alert level II. Galeras Volcano is located 700 kilometers Colombia’s capital Bogota lies in Colombia’s western Nariio department, near the Ecuadorian border.Tremors are continued in Volcanic areas. An orange warning level has already been issued, which means an eruption could occur in some days or weeks.(Category under Natural Hazards in Ecuador)
    The Regional Disaster Prevention and Attention Committee has started evacuating more than 8,000 people who reside in the nearby communities of La Florida and Narino.
    Galeras Volcano Eruptions (Volcano live)
    2008-10, 2004-06, 2002, 2000, 1993, 1990-92, 1989, 1974-83, 1973?, 1950, 1947?, 1936, 1933?, 1932, 1930?, 1924-27, 1923, 1891, 1889, 1865-70, 1836, 1828-34, 1823, 1796-1801, 1754-56, 1670-1736, 1616, 1580, 1535
    Most eruptions from Galeras are short and violent.
  • Volcanic Eruption in Ecuador .This volcano has thrown pyroclastic boulders up to a mile from the crater. Earthquake tremors are also recorded in this area. Tungurahua Volcano  of Ecuador region seems active currently. Residents near the Tungurahua Volcano are noticed to evacuate after a rapid increase of volcanic activity yesterday afternoon.The loud roars from the site have reportedly shook residential windows up to 14 kilometers (8.6 miles) away.
    -Ecuadorian authorities have issued an Orange alert for populations near the Tungurahua volcano.
    -Authorities have setup emergency refugees for citizens that live close to the Tungurahua
    A red alert was declared last December when Tungurahua -- which means "Throat of Fire" in the indigenous Quechua language -- reactivated, prompting a temporary evacuation of residents and tourists.
  • Wild fire in the forest of Australia has broke out between Gracetown and Ellen Brook. The Western part of Australia is mostly affected by it. Schools in the town area have already closed and an emergency situation has been declared.
    Bushfire in the Margaret River Region is formally declared as a Natural Disaster by the state government which means residents who lost their primary place of residence can claim grants of up to $3,000.
Today's Disaster Report
  • Flood in Sitka city of Alaska. Two houses are reported to be damaged. Mudslide is also reported but none is injured. Following Sitka officials about 2 inches of rain in a 24-hour period, coupled with the rapid melt of snow, contributed to the slides and flooding in this state of Alaska.
  • Volcanic activity in Taiwan is seen from yesterday. Wandan mud dome erupted yesterday suddenly after the gap of a year. Hot gray mud is still spewing from the volcano in Pingtung County.
  • Drought in Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania .-Power supplies running low in Serbia
    -Drinking water shortages in Bosnia
    -Crop production is in jeopardy in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.
    -The Czech Republic is at its driest since records began in 1775
    -Electricity supplies running low in Bosnia and Serbia due to the low river water levels

  • There is seen sign of erupting Iceland Katla Volcano after 90 years. If this does happen, the effects of which could be felt all across the globe, as rising sea levels potentially having a devastating effect on coastal cities and islands.
  • landslide in Indonesia (Island of Nias, Majo Kampung Barije district) has killed 4 people till now with more than 30 people still missing. Heavy rains have hit this area for continuous three days.
Recent Earthquakes
  • Magnitude 4.7 moderate shallow earthquake in Guatemala with epicenter located 70 km NNE of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. The magnitude and depth is enough to be felt well around epicenter and lightly in greater area. It will be well felt by the people of Barillas (pop 14,100). The nearest populated area of Quetzaltenango (pop 132,230) is 124 km far to cause any damage.
    19:36 UTC(local time   Friday, December 02, 2011 at 01:36 PM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 3.2 minor earthquake in Baja California, Mexico with epicenter 26 km S from Guadalupe Victoria, Baja California, Mexico. Prieto, Cerro volcano is 26 km far from the epicenter.It will be well felt around the epicenter.
    18:12 UTC
    (local time Friday, December 02, 2011 at 10:12 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 3.4 very shallow earthquake (@1 km depth) in Germany with epicenter just below Reken (pop 14,306), Germany. It was even well felt in  Recklinghausen (pop 122,438) area about 16 km far from the epicenter.
    10:57 UTC (local time 11:57 @ epicenter)

    EMSC Felt Reports
    Recklinghausen: Es hat sich angefühlt, als ob jemand eine Tür heftig zuschlägt.

  •  Magnitude 5.0 shallow moderate earthquake in Panama Costa Rica border region just below Progreso. It will be well felt around epicenter and lightly in vast area. It will be well felt in Alajuela, Bocas del Toro, Chiriqui, San José, Puntarenas, Heredia  and other neighboring region of Panama and Costa Rica
    06:57 UTC (local time Friday, December 02, 2011 at 01:57:43 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 5.5 strong earthquake in Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia with epicenter located 60 km SW Baolan (pop 44,088), Indonesia. The populated area Palu (pop 282,431) is 136 km far.
    About 50,00 people will experience a moderate shaking of MMI V whereas light shaking will be felt in vast area. The people of  Palu will experience light shaking of MMI IV.
    In 2000, M 7.5 earthquake around the same area killed 46 people.
    05:19 UTC (local time Friday, December 02, 2011 at 01:19 PM @ epicenter)
    EMSC Felt Reports
    Bontang: The building shook for few seconds, hence we all decided to go out of the building. After initial few seconds there was no more shaking
    M 4.7 earthquake is recorded in Java, Indonesia after one hour which is very far from the residential area with epicenter in Sea water.
  •  Magnitude 4.5 earthquake in Chiapas, Mexico with epicenter in Sea water located 123 km SW of Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico. It will be faintly felt.
    05:01 UTC (Thursday, December 01, 2011 at 11:01:04 PM at epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.8 moderate shallow earthquake in Taiwan with epicenter located 46 km NNE of Taitung, Taiwan. It will be well felt around epicenter.
    00:55 UTC (Friday, December 02, 2011 at 08:55:25 AM at epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.8 moderate aftershock (@ 72.6 km depth) in Honshu, Japan with epicenter located 66 km E of Sendai, Honshu, Japan. It will be  felt in Ibaraki and Tokio region also as far as Capital Tokyo.
    00:50 UTC (local time Friday, December 02, 2011 at 09:50 AM @ epicenter)
    UPDATE 2
    M 5.3 strong shallow earthquake in Honshu, Japan with epicenter 53 km (32 miles) ESE of Yokohama, Honshu, Japan. Max. JMA intensity is 4 which is not enough to cause any damage.

    UPDATE 1
    M 4.9 earthquake (@ 12 km depth) again in Honshu, Japan much closer to Mito, Honshu. It is 98 km (60 miles) S of Iwaki, Honshu, Japan. It is much stronger tahn earlier. It is enough to feel well as far as capital Tokyo.

Recent Volcanoes 

  • Volcanic Eruption On Hierro Canary Islands located in Spain. During 2-8 November, 364 seismic events were recorded at depths of 16-23 km. During 4-5 November authorities evacuated about 80 residents from areas in Frontera due to landslide risks. Hierro contains the greatest concentration of young vents in the Canary Islands. Some days earlier, the toxic gases get mixed in the air. It is great site for tourist attraction but due to Volcanic activities tourist have been decreased by 30%. Tremors are still recorded in this area. Two days ago for the first after two weeks steaming black lava blocks were seen on the sea surface above the submarine vent near La Restinga. we showed you the video of Hierro canary Islands collecting fresh lava stones. Even we showed you video yesterday about the emission of magmatic material in the Sea of ​​Calm (La Restinga).
    The Island seems to be quiet now. Yesterday, The Sarmiento de Gamboa research vessel begins a campaign of research in El Hierro, under the Civil Protection Plan for Volcanic Risk (PEVOLCA), consisting of the geophysical survey of the seabed, both north of the Gulf and in the area submarine eruption near the south of La Restinga.
    Red Light, Level 1, in the Restinga (El Pinar) and Yellow light in the rest of the island.
    Below we have extracted an article to give current activities in this area.
    Maintaining the reduced number of earthquakes located in El Hierro
    From 17:20 pm yesterday has been only one movement at 9 this morning
    The National Geographic Institute (IGN) has confirmed the Civil Protection Plan Volcanic risk during the day November 29, 2011 only 7 earthquakes were located. Only one of them was felt by the population recorded in the area of ​​the Gulf, at 01:59 am (UTC) with magnitude 3.2 on the Richter scale, at a depth of 15 kilometers and a rated of II.
    For IGN, the decrease of earthquakes remains and from 17:20 pm yesterday, there has been only one movement at 9 this morning, according to provisional data. This situation "does not imply that there might be a moderate earthquake of magnitude," they say.
    In total, since the day July 17, 2011 11 897 events have been found.
    As for studies of ground deformation, as IGN reports and the CSIC and the University of Cádiz, show no significant variations with respect to the findings in recent days.
    Moreover, note that in the reconnaissance flight by helicopter from the Government of the Canary Islands and found little gaseous emission caused uncertainty in the spot in the sea by submarine eruption.
    In the night flight SASEMAR has been a temperature of 20 ° C in the area of ​​emission, detected less activity compared to previous days.
    The Sarmiento de Gamboa Oceanographic Vessel ended last night in La Restinga activity and is now in the waters of El Golfo.
    Since this morning we incorporated the Ramon Margalef, and is in the Sea of ​​Calm.
  • Volcanic Eruption On Nyamuragira Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the Africa's most active volcano. Eruption still continues here in Nyamuragira.  Video of eruption in Nyamuragira on November 15 showed it to be active in recent days. However, The city of Goma, near the volcano, remains unaffected.The lava on Mount Nyamulagira in Congo spurted up to 300 meters high. Meanwhile Virunga Park, best known for its endangered mountain gorillas, is now inviting tourists to go on overnight treks to see a volcano spurting fountains of lava.
    Lava flow have reached within 5 km of Kalengera-Tongo road. It is the area of Gorillas but they are far to be affected. They are safe. 
  • Orange code for Kilauea Volcano Located in Hawaii and Pacific Ocean, HI. Lava flows active southeast of Pu`u `O`o, Seismic tremor levels low and gas emissions elevate.
    The most recent (preliminary) sulfur dioxide emission rate measurement was 600 tonnes/day on November 29, 2011. 

Recent Floods

  • Thailand Flood- Death Toll has risen to 666
    Click for detail update report On Thailand Flood 2011

Recent Natural Disasters Page
This page contains the Daily list of all Recent Natural Disasters around the world. The Major Natural Disaster are linked to definite page containing update report on that major disaster.
The Recent Earthquakes, Volcanoes , Floods, Cyclones, Landslides and other natural disasters and natural hazards are listed in this page under "Recent Natural Disasters"
The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS..

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