Recent Natural Disasters List November 30, 2011

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Recent Natural Disasters List

Most Recent Disaster Report
Flooding on the M9 near Stirling source BBC
  • Flash flood in United Kingdom. The damage level is expected MINOR. Scotland area is widely affected by this flood.
    27 pupils and two teachers were  rescued from Abington Primary School who were stucked in the flood water that entered the school premises. Due to bursting of River Endrick, the roads are blocked. Severe storms and flooding has left two inches of rain in this area. Areas around Inverclyde and Stirling are particularly hard-hit and where roads are blocked.
    Some motorist were even charged a £5,000 fine for trying to drive along flooded roads. The notice was already issued to not drive in that area by Central Scotland Police. Some Rail services are halted or cancelled and Glasgow’s subway  system is shut down completely due to flooding. Many Parts of Scotland are upgraded from the yellow “be aware” to amber “be prepared” alert for strong winds and heavy rain. The forecaster said that today, Wednesday it can have more dangerous impacts by heavy rainfall.
    During Thursday, severe gales or even storm force winds are likely in northern Scotland with gusts upto 80mph.
    Structural damage is possible and there may be disruption to travel.

Recent Earthquakes
  •  Magnitude 4.6 moderate earthquake in Zacatecas, Mexico with epicenter located 24 km NNE of Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico. It is felt as far as Guanajuato, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí region.
    18:07 UTC (local time Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 12:07 PM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 5.0 moderate earthquake in Central Peru with epicenter located 75 km (46 miles) ENE of Puquio, Peru. The populated area Ayacucho (pop 140,033), Peru is 167 km SE from epicenter. It will be felt in vast area however we don't expect any damage from this disaster.
    03:23 UTC (local time Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at 10:23 PM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.9 moderate dangerous earthquake in Van, Turkey. It is the aftershock of earlier M 7.2 Very Deadly Turkey earthquake. The epicenter is near to Lake van. It can cause some damage to the area which is already hit hard by deadliest quake earlier.
    00:47 UTC (local time Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 02:47 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 6.0 Very strong earthquake disaster in Luzon,Philippines with epicenter located 141 km NW Olongapo (pop 220,021), Philippines (Province of Zambales). The epicenter is in sea water and the populated area is far, so we don't expect any damage from this quake. However it will be felt in vast area. About 196,000 people will experience a moderate shaking of MMI V. The people of Bolitoc, Bani, Palauig, Lucapon, Ilio-ilio, Masinloc will experience a strong Jolt. It will be well felt by the people of Agoo, Castillejos, Lingayen, Binmaley, Subic too.
    The Philippines is located in the Pacific "Ring of Fire" where earthquakes and volcanic activity are common. A magnitude-7.7 quake killed nearly 2,000 people in Luzon in 1990.
    00:27 UTC (local time Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 08:27:08 AM @ epicenter)
    UPDATE 2
    Another aftershocks (@ 2.1 km depth) is recorded of magnitude 5.0 in the same area with epicenter now near closer to populated area and much shallower than earlier. However it will have less effect than earlier one. The epicenter is 123 km (76 miles) WNW of Olongapo, Luzon, Philippines.

    01:27 UTC
    (local time Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 09:27:43 AM at epicenter)

    UPDATE 1

    It is experienced as far as capital Manila. NO ANY DAMAGE REPORTED.
Recent Volcanoes
  • Volcanic Eruption in Ecuador .This volcano has thrown pyroclastic boulders up to a mile from the crater. Earthquake tremors are also recorded in this area. Tungurahua volcano  of Ecuador region seems active currently.Residents near the Tungurahua volcano are noticed to evacuate after a rapid increase of volcanic activity yesterday afternoon.The loud roars from the site have reportedly shook residential windows up to 14 kilometers (8.6 miles) away.Alert level from yellow to orange.
    A red alert was declared last December when Tungurahua -- which means "Throat of Fire" in the indigenous Quechua language -- reactivated, prompting a temporary evacuation of residents and tourists. 
  •  Orange code for Kilauea Volcano Located in Hawaii and Pacific Ocean, HI. Lava flows active southeast of Pu`u `O`o, Seismic tremor levels low and gas emissions elevated
  • Galeras Volcanic Eruption in Colombia is raised to Alert level II. Galeras volcano is located 700 kilometers Colombia’s capital Bogota lies in Colombia’s western Nariio department, near the Ecuadorian border.Tremors are continued in Volcanic areas. An orange warning level has already been issued, which means an eruption could occur in some days or weeks.
    The Regional Disaster Prevention and Attention Committee has started evacuating more than 8,000 people who reside in the nearby communities of La Florida and Narino.
    Galeras Volcano Eruptions (Volcano live)

    2008-10, 2004-06, 2002, 2000, 1993, 1990-92, 1989, 1974-83, 1973?, 1950, 1947?, 1936, 1933?, 1932, 1930?, 1924-27, 1923, 1891, 1889, 1865-70, 1836, 1828-34, 1823, 1796-1801, 1754-56, 1670-1736, 1616, 1580, 1535
    Most eruptions from Galeras are short and violent.
  • Volcanic Eruption On Hierro Canary Islands located in Spain. During 2-8 November, 364 seismic events were recorded at depths of 16-23 km. During 4-5 November authorities evacuated about 80 residents from areas in Frontera due to landslide risks. Hierro contains the greatest concentration of young vents in the Canary Islands. Some days earlier, the toxic gases get mixed in the air. It is great site for tourist attraction but due to Volcanic activities tourist have been decreased by 30%. Tremors are still recorded in this area. Two days ago for the first after two weeks steaming black lava blocks were seen on the sea surface above the submarine vent near La Restinga. we showed you the video of Hierro canary Islands collecting fresh lava stones. Above is one recent video which shows the emission of magmatic material in the Sea of ​​Calm (La Restinga).
    Currently the Concentration of SO2 is 5.88 mg / m³. The Island seems to be quiet now. Yesterday, The Sarmiento de Gamboa research vessel begins a campaign of research in El Hierro, under the Civil Protection Plan for Volcanic Risk (PEVOLCA), consisting of the geophysical survey of the seabed, both north of the Gulf and in the area submarine eruption near the south of La Restinga.
    Red Light, Level 1, in the Restinga (El Pinar) and Yellow light in the rest of the island
  • Volcanic Eruption On Nyamuragira Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the Africa's most active volcano. Eruption still continues here in Nyamuragiravideo of eruption in Nyamuragira which shows it to be still active.However, The city of Goma, near the volcano, remains unaffected.The lava on Mount Nyamulagira in Congo spurted up to 300 meters high. Meanwhile Virunga Park, best known for its endangered mountain gorillas, is now inviting tourists to go on overnight treks to see a volcano spurting fountains of lava.
    Lava flow have reached within 5 km of Kalengera-Tongo road. It is the area of Gorillas but they are far to be affected. They are safe.

Recent Floods 
  • Thailand Flood- Death Toll has risen to 661
    Click for detail update report On Thailand Flood 2011
  • Flood in New South Wales states of Australia. One child is reported to be dead. Still the ALERT is in Northern New South Wales town of Wee Waa where the flood will last for one weeks more. Heavy rains  is predicted in coming months due to a La Nina pattern in the Pacific Ocean in Northeastern Australia
    Moree Plains Shire, Inverell Shire and Armidale Dumaresq local government areas are now declared as Natural disaster areas. The river's still rising at Boggabri which is 7.69 meters currently and the river at Wee Waa is 6.67 meters
  • Recent flood in Uganda has displaced about 2000 people. Heavy damage is expected in Nakapiripirit District . Transports in the areas has been blocked. The flood level is increasing in the area where the majority of people are farmers and their farm and agricultural crops are totally damaged.
Other Disasters
  • Extreme Drought has affected States of Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato and Zacatecas in Mexico. It is expected to continue into next year. More than 450,000 cattle have died in arid pastures. The video aside by Reuters shows the worst drought condition in Mexico. Note that it is the worst drought in Mexico in last 70 years
  • Wild fire in the forest of Australia is between Gracetown and Ellen Brook. The western part of Australia is mostly affected by it. Schools in the town area have already closed and an emergency situation has been declared.
    Bushfire in the margaret River region is formally declared as a natural disaster by the state government which means residents who lost their primary place of residence can claim grants of up to $3,000.
  • Wild fire in forest of Dzhurkovo in Plovdiv County Bulgaria. If we follow the initial data the fire has covered around 60 dekars of mixed forest in the land of the village. The region is hardly accessible. So the affect is unknown till. 
  • The condition of Sri Lanka is becoming much worse due to Heavy rains along with gusting winds. 20 people are killed and still 43 people are out of contact in Southern coastal areas of Sri Lanka. 54,844 persons belonging to 13,663 families have been affected, a total of 1723 persons (427 families) have been displaced in temporary evacuation centers. 630 houses were fully damaged and 5491 houses were partially damaged. Roads are blocked due to fallen tress and debris deposited. The rainy weather will continue next week.
  • Flash flood in State of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Damage level is moderate which has already killed 5 people till now and destroyed 700 houses.
  • Biological disaster in Nepal with outbreak of Bird Flu. H5N1 is found in chickens in area of Bhaktapur and Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal where the virus is found five months after the Nepal Government declared Nepal as "Bird flu free Country". In Nepal's lab, only the H5 can be tested so for further detail, the sample of the dead chicken is sent to England. After the confirmation report, Nepal government will declare "Bird Flu Area". Previously it was found in eastern part of Nepal, but this is the first time the bird flu is found in Capital. In 2009, for the first time Bird Flu was confirmed in Nepal. Note that vaccines or other treatments are not available for it and it cause severe to fatal disease in humans.

    Many chickens were killed around Manhara Area yesterday where the bird flu was found. The bird flu was found in chickens of Chandra Bahadur Tamang in Manahara area Bhaktapur,Thimi-16.
    Officially the area is announced as
    "Bird Flu Area" by Nepal Government.
Recent Natural Disasters Page
This page contains the Daily list of all Recent  Major Natural Disasters around the world. The major Natural Disasters are linked to definite page containing update report on that major disaster.
The Recent earthquakes, Volcanoes , Floods, Cyclones, Landslides and other natural disasters and natural hazards are listed in this page under "Recent Natural Disasters"
The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS..
Natural Disasters November 2011
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