Recent Natural Disasters List November 28, 2011

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Recent Natural Disasters List

Recent Major Disaster Alert
  • Extreme Drought has affected States of Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato and Zacatecas in Mexico. It is expected to continue into next year. More than 450,000 cattle have died in arid pastures. The video aside by Reuters shows the worst drought condition in Mexico.Note that it is the worst drought in Mexico in last 70 years.
  • Wild fire in the forest of Australia is active now between Gracetown and Ellen Brook. The western part of Australia is mostly affected by it. Schools in the town area have already closed and an emergency situation has been declared.

Recent Earthquakes

  •  Magnitude 5.1 shallow moderate earthquake(@28.9 km depth) in Myanmar- China border region with epicenter 29 km SE Myitkyina (pop 90,894). It is 266 km (165 miles) WSW of Dali, Yunnan, China. The area is home to a number of Burma's ethnic groups. It will be well felt around epicenter area.
    15:06 UTC
    (local time Monday, November 28, 2011 at 09:36 PM at epicenter)
  • Magnitude 6.4 moderate harmless earthquake in New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea with epicenter in Sea water far from residential area. 11,000 people will feel moderate shaking of MMI V.People of Kokopo, Kieta, Panguna, Arawa, Namatanai, Rabaul area will feel weak shaking. There is no Nuclear facilities, Airports or Volcano in the 100-kilometer radius from the epicenter. NO TSUNAMI ALERT
    12:26 UTC (local time Monday, November 28, 2011 at 10:26 PM @ epicenter)
    M 5.3 moderate but harmless earthquake in same area of New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea
    14:47 UTC (local time Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at 12:27 AM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 5.8 Deep Harmless Seaquake (613 km depth) in Bali Sea, Indonesia with epicenter located 171 km NW Sumbawa (pop 52,654), Indonesia. It will be faintly felt in Sumbawa Besar, Mataram, Denpasar, Singaraja, Bima, Praya, Tabanan, Karangasem, Kuta, Ubud, Klungkung area(MMI I). No any Nuclear facilities, Airports or Volcano in the 100-kilometer radius. The latest strong earthquake in Indonesia was on November 15 of magnitude 5.5
    09:13 UTC (local time Monday, November 28, 2011 at 05:13:10 PM @ epicenter)
  • Magnitude 4.7 earthquake in Saint Martin Region, Leeward Islands  with epicenter located 35 km E Saint-barthelemy (pop 5,988). It will be well felt around epicenter and faintly felt in vast area.
    05:42 UTC (local time Monday, November 28, 2011 at 01:42 AM @ epicenter)
    EMSC Felt Reports
    Marigot (Guadeloupe):
    It was strong enough to make me jump out of bed - especially on the second rumble!
  • Magnitude 4.9 moderate shallow earthquake (@ 12 km depth) in Puerto Rico region (terremoto en Puerto Rico) with epicenter located 68 km N Isabela (pop 12,505), Puerto Rico. It will be felt in vast area in Puerto Rico region. Well felt in Aguadilla, Anasco, Barceloneta, Mayaguez, San Sebastian, Corozal, San Juan, Bayamon, Guaynabo, Carolina area.
    NO TSUNAMI THREAT for Puerto Rica and Virgin Island
    04:56 UTC (Local time Monday, November 28, 2011 at 12:56 AM @ epicenter)

    UPDATE 3
    Another moderate earthquake of magnitude 4.6 in Puerto Rica region with epicenter in Sea water 51 km N Isabela (pop 12,505). Max. MMI intensity III in San Juan, PR (@ 06:35 local time)
    UPDATE 2
    -Still earthquakes are recorded in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Seismic Network gives full list of earthquake recorded.

    UPDATE 1
    -Another M 3.2 earthquake is recorded in Puerto Rico region with epicenter just below Comerio, PR. It will be well felt in Guaynabo, Bayamon, San Juan, Aibonito area. Max. intensity III in Bayamon, Central Region of Puerto Rico.
    06:42 UTC (local time Monday, November 28, 2011 at 02:42 AM @ epicenter)
    -Max. -Max. felt MMI intensity for M 4.9 is IV in Mayagüez, PR
  •  Magnitude 3.2 earthquake in Greece with epicenter just below Argostólion (pop 9,820), Greece. Even felt in Pátrai, Zákinthos area.
    03:23 UTC (local time 05:23 @ epicenter)
    EMSC Felt Reports
    Rumble woke me up. Short, ending with rattle of windows.
  • Magnitude 4.7 moderate earthquake in Papua New Guinea with epicenter located 95 km (59 miles) NW of Arawa, Bougainville, PNG. It will faintly felt as the residential area is far from the epicenter and the depth is also great.
    01:24 UTC (local time Monday, November 28, 2011 at 11:24 AM @ epicenter)

Recent Cyclones
  • Kenneth 11 with active storm having current maximum sustained wind speed 23 m/s. It is far away from Land. Closest area is Mexico. Note that Hurricane Kenneth has already recorded as a major category4 storm off the Pacific coast of Mexico but it is safe, as no land masses lie in its path.
    Hurricane Kenneth
    has make a record of latest major hurricane in the eastern pacific ocean after measuring 300 miles across and generating sustained winds of 145 mph.
    The storms records the diameter of more than 300 miles.
  • Tropical Storm Five-11 has become active in India with current maximum sustained wind speed 17 m/s. GREEN ALERT for India.
    About 0.01 million people of Northern India(Lakshadweep) (54736) will be affected by tropical storm strength on 27/11. The wind speed is estimated to be max. 93km/hr (forecasted)

Recent Snow Storms

  • Heavy Snow is reported in Squamish, Canada. It first passed through Metro Vancouver causing heavy rain and wind.
    It has make a record of heavy snowfall in eastern and southern Newfoundland – up to 29 centimeters at the St. John's airport. The previous record was in 1972, snowfall for this day in the St. John's area, upto 23.9 cm .
    Still weather warnings remained in effect in the Placentia and Cape Race areas.
  • Snow Storm is reported from North America which has affected state of Maine. More than 10 inches snow was accumulated on the ground in Durham, Otisfield, Hope, Bethel, and Sebago area

Recent Floods

  • Thailand Flood- Death Toll At 610
    Click for detail update report On Thailand Flood 2011
  • Flash flood in State of Tamil Nadu, India. Kanyakumari district  is affected by this flood.
  • Recent flood in Uganda has displaced about 2000 people. Heavy damage is expected in Nakapiripirit District . Transports in the areas has been blocked. The flood level is increasing in the area where the majority of people are farmers and their farm and agricultural crops are totally damaged.
  • Orange Flood Alert In Cambodia. The flood which started with Tropical Storm, Monsoonal Rain about three months has killed 264 people till date. Approximately 13466.62 km2 area has been affected by the flood. GDACS has given this flood a severity class 2.
  • Flood in Columbia has killed 48 people and displaced 55 people within a week. People were evacuated from Manizales, Caldas region.
  • Flood in Kenya has killed 4 people till today. The flood which started a week ago has affected 41010.11 km2 area.
  • Flood in Philippines has displaced 30000 people. However no fatality is reported. Flood is still active in Boyugan East, Gawil, Poblacion and Sicade area.

Recent Landslides

  • Landslide in Malaysia which is caused due to heavy monsoon. Now Malaysia is in High Alert for Landslides. Government is creating awareness about it by publishing notices teaching about different signs and symbols used during the disasters to be safe. Heavy damage is expected. However its too early to get any damage reports.

    Experts are predicting more than the annual average of 100 landslides.

Recent Volcanoes 

  •  Volcanic Eruption On Hierro Canary Islands located in Spain. During 2-8 November, 364 seismic events were recorded at depths of 16-23 km. During 4-5 November authorities evacuated about 80 residents from areas in Frontera due to landslide risks. Hierro contains the greatest concentration of young vents in the Canary Islands. Some days earlier, the toxic gases get mixed in the air.
    Muddy water are visible at the spot currently, forming larger and smaller circular areas. The activity is occurring in irregular intervals of about 20-40 minutes. Still Red Alert for La Restinga and Yellow Alert for other nearby Islands.It is great site for tourist attraction but due to Volcanic activities tourist have been decreased by 30%. Tremors are still recorded in this area. Dozens of earthquakes were recorded yesterday. But most of them were less than magnitude 1. Here is recent video of Hierro canary Islands collecting fresh lava stones.
    Two days ago for the first after two weeks steaming black lava blocks were seen on the sea surface above the submarine vent near La Restinga

    M 2.9 minor earthquake is recorded in Canary Island (@
    13:32 UTC)today. The epicenter is 79 km S Fuencaliente de la palma (pop 1,894) and 96 km S Los llanos de aridane (pop 19,635).
  • Galeras Volcanic Eruption in Colombia is raised to Alert level II. Galeras volcano is located 700 kilometers Colombia’s capital Bogota lies in Colombia’s western Nariio department, near the Ecuadorian border.Tremors are continued in Volcanic areas. An orange warning level has already been issued, which means an eruption could occur in some days or weeks.
    The Regional Disaster Prevention and Attention Committee has started evacuating more than 8,000 people who reside in the nearby communities of La Florida and Narino.
    Galeras Volcano Eruptions (Volcano live)

    2008-10, 2004-06, 2002, 2000, 1993, 1990-92, 1989, 1974-83, 1973?, 1950, 1947?, 1936, 1933?, 1932, 1930?, 1924-27, 1923, 1891, 1889, 1865-70, 1836, 1828-34, 1823, 1796-1801, 1754-56, 1670-1736, 1616, 1580, 1535
    Most eruptions from Galeras are short and violent.
  • Volcanic Eruption in Ecuador today.This volcano has thrown pyroclastic boulders up to a mile from the crater. Earthquake tremors are also recorded in this area. Tungurahua volcano  of Ecuador region seems active currently (observed around 04:21 AM UTC)
  • Volcanic Eruption On Nyamuragira Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the Africa's most active volcano. Eruption still continues here in Nyamuragiravideo of eruption in Nyamuragira which shows it to be still active.However, The city of Goma, near the volcano, remains unaffected.The lava on Mount Nyamulagira in Congo spurted up to 300 meters high. Meanwhile Virunga Park, best known for its endangered mountain gorillas, is now inviting tourists to go on overnight treks to see a volcano spurting fountains of lava.
    Lava flow have reached within 5 km of Kalengera-Tongo road. It is the area of Gorillas but they are far to be affected. They are safe.

Other Disasters

The condition of Sri Lanka is becoming much worse due to Heavy rains along with gusting winds.
14 people are killed and still 30 people are out of contact in Southern coastal areas of Sri Lanka. Official report shows that 26,011 people belonging to 6,496 families have been affected till date. Roads are blocked due to fallen tress and debris deposited.

Recent Natural Disasters Page
This page contains the Daily list of all Recent  Major Natural Disasters around the world. The major Natural Disasters are linked to definite page containing update report on that major disaster.
The Recent earthquakes, Volcanoes , Floods, Cyclones, Landslides and other natural disasters and natural hazards are listed in this page under "Recent Natural Disasters"
The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS..

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