Why was cyclone Remal named by Oman?

Q: Why was cyclone Remal named by Oman?

A: Cyclone Remal was named by Oman as part of the tropical cyclone naming process in the North Indian Ocean region. Each country in this area has its own system for naming cyclones. In Oman’s case, “Remal” means “sand” in Arabic, which reflects the cyclone’s origin and characteristics.

Cyclone Remal, which recently made landfall between Sagar Island in West Bengal and Khepupara in Bangladesh, bears a unique name: “Remal.” But why was this name chosen, and what’s the significance behind it? Let’s delve into the fascinating world of cyclone naming conventions.

The Naming Process 

World Meteorological Organisation (WMO): The WMO, a United Nations agency, oversees cyclone naming globally. In the North Indian Ocean region (including the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal), the WMO established the Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC) in 1972.

Panel Members: Initially comprising eight countries (Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sultanate of Oman, and Thailand), the PTC aimed to enhance cyclone warnings and disaster mitigation.

Expanding the Panel: Over time, the PTC expanded to include Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. In 2020, they released a list of 169 cyclone names, with each country contributing 13 suggestions.

Why “Remal”?

Oman’s Choice: Cyclone Remal’s name was chosen by Oman, a country on the Arabian Sea. But why does Oman get to name a cyclone in the Bay of Bengal?

Arabic Significance: “Remal” means “sand” in Arabic. This name reflects the cyclone’s origin and characteristics, emphasizing the sandy landscapes of the region.

Naming Guidelines

Neutral and Respectful: When proposing names, countries follow guidelines:

  • Names must be neutral regarding politics, religion, culture, and gender.
  • They should not offend any population group globally.
  • Names should be short, easy to pronounce, and non-offensive.
  • Maximum length is eight letters.
  • Pronunciation and voice-over details are provided.

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