California Earthquake May 28, 2015

This is the list of earthquakes recorded in California by the United States Geological Survey on May 28, 2015. There are lots of discussions going on social medias that a huge earthquake with magnitude 9.8 will hit California on May 28, 2015 at 4pm local time. It's not going to happen in any way and won't deserve position in this list as well.

Update 29 May 2015; 06:45 UTC

Magnitude 2.6 earthquake has been recorded in Central California at 23:32 pm midnight with epicenter located 19 km ENE of Little Lake. Weak tremor was felt in Coso Junction, Searles Valley, Olancha and Ridgecrest.

Update 23:13 UTC

It is around 04:13 pm currently in California. The California earthquake prediction has finally phased out. No earthquake with magnitude even greater than 2.5 has been recorded in California as of 04:00 pm today.

Scientist have already suggested that an earthquake of that power is nearly impossible in California because the San Andreas fault isn’t long enough or of the right type to trigger that sort of movement, CBS has written.

Update 16:00 UTC

It's around 09:00 am in California. USGS hasn't recorded any event till now. Not even a single earthquake of magnitude greater than 2.5. Hoax message claims magnitude 9.8 earthquake at 04:00 pm local time.

We will be updating all felt earthquakes recorded today in California.
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