Update 03:00 UTC; 2013/04/13
-Tropical storm Imelda has slightly intensified. It is moving in a general southerly direction at about 10 km/hr.
-Imelda is located about 500 km to the north north east of Mauritius and 550 km to the north west of Rodrigues.
-A Cyclone Warning Class I is currently in force in Mauritius and Rodrigues.
-Moderate to heavy rainfall is forecast in Rodrigues today's afternoon.
Update 17:00 UTC; 2013/04/12
-Imelda is currently located 660 km to the north north east of Mauritius.
-High Wave Warning is in force in Mauritius. Mauritius Meteorological Service expects swells of the order of 5.0 meters. It is strongly advised not to venture at sea.
Update 10:00 UTC; 2013/04/11
-Tropical cyclone Imelda is currently located 780 km north of Mauritius.
-Partly cloudy and showers are expected in next 24 hours.
-Cyclone Imelda is not a threat for Mauritius for next 24 hours.No cyclone warning is in force in Mauritius currently.
Tropical Cyclone Imelda is currently located east of northern Madagascar and predicted to hit Mauritius and Rodrigues Island by early Friday.
Cyclone Imelda is forecast to be at least Category 2 hurricane by Thursday.
Current position of Cyclone Imelda:
Date: 10th Apr 2013 Time: 05:20 Position: S 11° 36.000, E 59° 30.000 Wind Speed: 13 km/hr Category: Cyclone I (Source JTWC)
Following cyclone path, there seems to be a potential threat to Mauritius. More updates on Imelda Cyclone will be added in this post as soon as it is available.
Related post: Flood claims 11 in Mauritius capital Port Louis
Below is the five day forecast map for Tropical Cyclone Imelda; wunderground.com

Original post: Natural Disasters List April 10, 2013
-Tropical storm Imelda has slightly intensified. It is moving in a general southerly direction at about 10 km/hr.
-Imelda is located about 500 km to the north north east of Mauritius and 550 km to the north west of Rodrigues.
-A Cyclone Warning Class I is currently in force in Mauritius and Rodrigues.
-Moderate to heavy rainfall is forecast in Rodrigues today's afternoon.
Update 17:00 UTC; 2013/04/12
-Imelda is currently located 660 km to the north north east of Mauritius.
-High Wave Warning is in force in Mauritius. Mauritius Meteorological Service expects swells of the order of 5.0 meters. It is strongly advised not to venture at sea.
Update 10:00 UTC; 2013/04/11
-Tropical cyclone Imelda is currently located 780 km north of Mauritius.
-Partly cloudy and showers are expected in next 24 hours.
-Cyclone Imelda is not a threat for Mauritius for next 24 hours.No cyclone warning is in force in Mauritius currently.
Tropical Cyclone Imelda is currently located east of northern Madagascar and predicted to hit Mauritius and Rodrigues Island by early Friday.
Cyclone Imelda is forecast to be at least Category 2 hurricane by Thursday.
Current position of Cyclone Imelda:
Date: 10th Apr 2013 Time: 05:20 Position: S 11° 36.000, E 59° 30.000 Wind Speed: 13 km/hr Category: Cyclone I (Source JTWC)
Following cyclone path, there seems to be a potential threat to Mauritius. More updates on Imelda Cyclone will be added in this post as soon as it is available.
Related post: Flood claims 11 in Mauritius capital Port Louis
Below is the five day forecast map for Tropical Cyclone Imelda; wunderground.com

Original post: Natural Disasters List April 10, 2013