Recent Natural Disasters 2012: Here you can get live updates on "End of the World" rumors going worldwide. December 21, 2012 is claimed as the date of end of the world!
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Related posts:
Keep calm the World is not Ending on December 21, 2012
Nasa December 2012 Blackout: Deadline Dec 23, 2012!
Why world won't end on December 21, 2012?
End of the World predictions made in 2012
Common beliefs that the end of the World is December 21, 2012
Why people think the World will End today?
Future End of the World predictions
December 21, 2012 is one of the claimed date for end of the world. NASA says "You don't have to ask the government. Just go out and look". Yes absolutely, keep calm the World is not Ending on December 21, 2012.
But rumors have spread worldwide and every small disasters are linked with the END OF THE WORLD hoax. Fears of mass suicides, meteorites, huge power cuts, natural disasters, epidemics or an asteroid hurtling toward Earth have circulated on the Internet ahead of December 21. Below is the live updates on such rumors going worldwide.
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You can also follow on this topic in our Facebook and Twitter page.
* New Hope
Thabiso Motloung Wa Mokoena from South Africa: In South Africa we're just doing fine as well. No sign of any eruption or unusual disasters. Sky is blue, estimated time has passed according to the world time. There is no end of world.
Laurie Hill from New Zealand: Now we can all laugh at the idiots that thought this was true and tried to scare people. December 21st 2012 was just like any other day!
*Earthquake rumor in Bara, Nepal (December 21, 13:15 UTC)
There is rumor of earthquake to hit tonight in Kalaiya and Birgunj city of Nepal. Rumor has panicked local people. According to Bishesh Bhattarai, he received call from his mother (Aarti Bhattarai) from Kalaiya to hide or move to open place as mega earthquake is going to hit in coming hours!
*Sirince, a religious place in Turkey (December 21, 11:20 UTC)
People of Sirince, a village in western Turkey have gathered to a place. Sirince is supposed be saved from destruction due to end of the world.
End of the world time has already passed. Still we are safe. Now what if we celebrate December 21 as new "April fool"!
*Purification rituals in Kaminaljuyu temple of Guatemala (December 21, 10:15 UTC)
Guatemalan Mayans have gathered at the ancient temple Kaminaljuyu to carry out purification rituals. The world is expected to come to its end at 5:11 Mexican time (11:07 GMT).
*Several schools in Morang, Nepal closed (December 21, 08:00 UTC)
Several schools in Morang district of Nepal are closed because of end of world hoax. Janta School of Rangeli Morang is also closed for today.
*Tsunami in Queensland coastline, Australia (December 21, 05:45 UTC)
People are reporting Tsunami expected to hit Queensland area on doomsday. The news came after Marine geologists from Australia's James Cook University said that a huge slab of sea floor near the Great Barrier Reef is in the early stages of collapse and could trigger a tsunami. It is in the preliminary stage of collapse which can create local Tsunami, Skynews reports.
Around 20 people have been arrested in Beijing for predicting that tsunamis and earthquakes would usher in the Armageddon.
DR: Geologist didn't tell that Tsunami is likely to hit today. It can occur any day. No need to panic anyway. Please don't run behind such rumors!
*Earthquake in Santa Rosa, California! (December 21, 05:00 UTC)
We are getting lot of visitors right now from Santa Rosa searching for "Earthquake in Santa Rosa today". We have checked but not found any earthquake in Santa Risa currently.
Update 05:20 UTCStill no quake mentioned by any seismological agency. At the time,people were online minor earthquake with magnitude 2.5 was recorded in Nevada But Nevada quake epicenter is 300+ km far.
*Cockerels and hens in one coop will prevent Malaysians from huge tidal (December 21, 04:00 UTC)
A rumor has spread in Malaysia that placing cockerels and hens in one coop will prevent Malaysians from huge tidal wave on doomsday.
*Many Americans are searching online for end of the world sex (December 21, 02:00 UTC)
Many Americans are searching online for end of the world sex currently. “Looking for some fun tonight with a good looking girl before the world ends! :),” New York quotes saying of one of the resident in New York. Most are searching dates and hookups on Craigslist and the online dating site OkCupid.
*Other 1,000 doomsday cult members arrested in China (December 20, 22:00 UTC)
Police in China have arrested further 1,000 members of Christian group Almighty God for spreading rumours about the end of the world.
Following Online medias, a farmer in Hebei province, Liu Qiyuan has built seven survival pods to be safe from end of the world which can contain 14 people each. The pods, made of fibreglass, float on water and can survive storms.
*Alien spaceships will emerge in Bugarach!
There is rumor that alien spaceships will emerge from the peak of Bugarach in France to transport nearby humans to safety. Around 150 police officers are guarding the nearby mountain which legend has it will open up when the so-called apocalypse takes place on Friday.
Below is a photo of a chicken's head laying on an altar of offerings during a private ceremony at the Iximche archeological site in preparation for the Oxlajuj B'aktun in Tecpan, Guatemala Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012 (source AP).

*More than 30 Michigan schools closed due to threat of doomsday (December 20, 19:00 UTC)
More than 30 schools in Michigan, United States are closed due to Mayan end of the world rumors.
*Earthquake in Dubai! (December 20, 15:00 UTC)
We are getting lots of visitors from Dubai searching for "Earthquake in Dubai today" So far neither local nor international seismological agency has mentioned any quake in Dubai today. A rumor that earthquake and cyclone will hit Dubai, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) had panicked local people in February 2012 too.
*There will be no end of the world in Poland
The head of the Polish National Security Bureau (BBN) has said that “there will be no end of the world in Poland". He further added “Maybe for some it will be the end of the world, I do not know. But in Poland it won’t be,”. He replied after being questioned about the predicted end of the world date.
*Volcanic eruption at Mount Langtang, Nepal! (December 20, 2012)
There is rumor of volcanic eruption in Langtang area in Rasuwa district of Nepal. "Volcano eruption in Nepal" news spread quickly as a sign of End of the world hoax. However, after visiting the Langtang area, Nepali Army confirmed that there is no volcano eruption at Mount Langtang. Smoke is from a wildfire burning in the area. Click for detail report on this volcanic eruption in Nepal.
*Russians prepared for Doomsday! (December 19, 2012)
Russians have been buying up shop-loads of candles and matches, salt and torches in a desperate effort to protect themselves from doom. Russia's emergency situations minister, Vladimir Puchkov has invited Russians to call a special end-of-the-world hotline if they had fears that time was running out on Planet Earth.
*People arrested for spreading end of the world rumors (December 18, 2012)
China has arrested around 100 people for spreading end of the world rumors. Many of those arrested are said to be part of the fringe Christian group Almighty God which claims that the world would end this Friday, on December 21 2012.
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Want to submit a News tip or story idea? Click here
Keep this page open or visit later to get update report.
Related posts:
Keep calm the World is not Ending on December 21, 2012
Nasa December 2012 Blackout: Deadline Dec 23, 2012!
Why world won't end on December 21, 2012?
End of the World predictions made in 2012
Common beliefs that the end of the World is December 21, 2012
Why people think the World will End today?
Future End of the World predictions
December 21, 2012 is one of the claimed date for end of the world. NASA says "You don't have to ask the government. Just go out and look". Yes absolutely, keep calm the World is not Ending on December 21, 2012.
But rumors have spread worldwide and every small disasters are linked with the END OF THE WORLD hoax. Fears of mass suicides, meteorites, huge power cuts, natural disasters, epidemics or an asteroid hurtling toward Earth have circulated on the Internet ahead of December 21. Below is the live updates on such rumors going worldwide.
Keep This Page Open Or Visit Later To Get Update Report.
You can also follow on this topic in our Facebook and Twitter page.
* New Hope
Thabiso Motloung Wa Mokoena from South Africa: In South Africa we're just doing fine as well. No sign of any eruption or unusual disasters. Sky is blue, estimated time has passed according to the world time. There is no end of world.
Laurie Hill from New Zealand: Now we can all laugh at the idiots that thought this was true and tried to scare people. December 21st 2012 was just like any other day!
*Earthquake rumor in Bara, Nepal (December 21, 13:15 UTC)
There is rumor of earthquake to hit tonight in Kalaiya and Birgunj city of Nepal. Rumor has panicked local people. According to Bishesh Bhattarai, he received call from his mother (Aarti Bhattarai) from Kalaiya to hide or move to open place as mega earthquake is going to hit in coming hours!
*Sirince, a religious place in Turkey (December 21, 11:20 UTC)
People of Sirince, a village in western Turkey have gathered to a place. Sirince is supposed be saved from destruction due to end of the world.
End of the world time has already passed. Still we are safe. Now what if we celebrate December 21 as new "April fool"!
*Purification rituals in Kaminaljuyu temple of Guatemala (December 21, 10:15 UTC)
Guatemalan Mayans have gathered at the ancient temple Kaminaljuyu to carry out purification rituals. The world is expected to come to its end at 5:11 Mexican time (11:07 GMT).
*Several schools in Morang, Nepal closed (December 21, 08:00 UTC)
Several schools in Morang district of Nepal are closed because of end of world hoax. Janta School of Rangeli Morang is also closed for today.
*Tsunami in Queensland coastline, Australia (December 21, 05:45 UTC)
People are reporting Tsunami expected to hit Queensland area on doomsday. The news came after Marine geologists from Australia's James Cook University said that a huge slab of sea floor near the Great Barrier Reef is in the early stages of collapse and could trigger a tsunami. It is in the preliminary stage of collapse which can create local Tsunami, Skynews reports.
Around 20 people have been arrested in Beijing for predicting that tsunamis and earthquakes would usher in the Armageddon.
DR: Geologist didn't tell that Tsunami is likely to hit today. It can occur any day. No need to panic anyway. Please don't run behind such rumors!
*Earthquake in Santa Rosa, California! (December 21, 05:00 UTC)
We are getting lot of visitors right now from Santa Rosa searching for "Earthquake in Santa Rosa today". We have checked but not found any earthquake in Santa Risa currently.
Update 05:20 UTCStill no quake mentioned by any seismological agency. At the time,people were online minor earthquake with magnitude 2.5 was recorded in Nevada But Nevada quake epicenter is 300+ km far.
*Cockerels and hens in one coop will prevent Malaysians from huge tidal (December 21, 04:00 UTC)
A rumor has spread in Malaysia that placing cockerels and hens in one coop will prevent Malaysians from huge tidal wave on doomsday.
*Many Americans are searching online for end of the world sex (December 21, 02:00 UTC)
Many Americans are searching online for end of the world sex currently. “Looking for some fun tonight with a good looking girl before the world ends! :),” New York quotes saying of one of the resident in New York. Most are searching dates and hookups on Craigslist and the online dating site OkCupid.
*Other 1,000 doomsday cult members arrested in China (December 20, 22:00 UTC)
Police in China have arrested further 1,000 members of Christian group Almighty God for spreading rumours about the end of the world.
Following Online medias, a farmer in Hebei province, Liu Qiyuan has built seven survival pods to be safe from end of the world which can contain 14 people each. The pods, made of fibreglass, float on water and can survive storms.
*Alien spaceships will emerge in Bugarach!
There is rumor that alien spaceships will emerge from the peak of Bugarach in France to transport nearby humans to safety. Around 150 police officers are guarding the nearby mountain which legend has it will open up when the so-called apocalypse takes place on Friday.
Below is a photo of a chicken's head laying on an altar of offerings during a private ceremony at the Iximche archeological site in preparation for the Oxlajuj B'aktun in Tecpan, Guatemala Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012 (source AP).

*More than 30 Michigan schools closed due to threat of doomsday (December 20, 19:00 UTC)
More than 30 schools in Michigan, United States are closed due to Mayan end of the world rumors.
*Earthquake in Dubai! (December 20, 15:00 UTC)
We are getting lots of visitors from Dubai searching for "Earthquake in Dubai today" So far neither local nor international seismological agency has mentioned any quake in Dubai today. A rumor that earthquake and cyclone will hit Dubai, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) had panicked local people in February 2012 too.
*There will be no end of the world in Poland
The head of the Polish National Security Bureau (BBN) has said that “there will be no end of the world in Poland". He further added “Maybe for some it will be the end of the world, I do not know. But in Poland it won’t be,”. He replied after being questioned about the predicted end of the world date.
*Volcanic eruption at Mount Langtang, Nepal! (December 20, 2012)
There is rumor of volcanic eruption in Langtang area in Rasuwa district of Nepal. "Volcano eruption in Nepal" news spread quickly as a sign of End of the world hoax. However, after visiting the Langtang area, Nepali Army confirmed that there is no volcano eruption at Mount Langtang. Smoke is from a wildfire burning in the area. Click for detail report on this volcanic eruption in Nepal.
*Russians prepared for Doomsday! (December 19, 2012)
Russians have been buying up shop-loads of candles and matches, salt and torches in a desperate effort to protect themselves from doom. Russia's emergency situations minister, Vladimir Puchkov has invited Russians to call a special end-of-the-world hotline if they had fears that time was running out on Planet Earth.
*People arrested for spreading end of the world rumors (December 18, 2012)
China has arrested around 100 people for spreading end of the world rumors. Many of those arrested are said to be part of the fringe Christian group Almighty God which claims that the world would end this Friday, on December 21 2012.
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