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Recent Natural Disasters List
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Recent World Disasters
Recent Felt Earthquakes
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- M 4.0 light very shallow earthquake in St. Lawrence Valley Reg., Quebec, Canada (@ 4 km depth) with epicenter located very close to La malbaie. About 52,000 people will have felt light shaking of MMI IV. People of Beaupre, Quebec, Levis, Saint-Ambroise, Fossambault-sur-lac and Alma will have experienced weak shaking
22:47 UTC (local time Friday, February 24, 2012 at 05:47 PM @ epicenter) - M 4.7 moderate deep earthquake in Guatemala (@ 171 km depth) with epicenter located 21 km N of Escuintla. Light shaking will have felt in Guatemala. Weak shaking will have felt in 100+ radius from epicenter area
20:01 UTC (local time Friday, February 24, 2012 at 02:01 PM @ epicenter) - M 3.8 shallow earthquake in Montenegro (@ 19 km depth) with epicenter located just 7 km W Podgorica. It will have well felt in Niksic and Podgorica region of Montenegro. Detail update report @ Montenegro earthquake Did you feel Earthquake in Montenegro? Click here
17:31 UTC (local time 18:31; 2012/02/24 @ epicenter) - M 3.0 weak shallow earthquake tremor felt in Nevada (@ 9 km depth) with epicenter located 23 km NNE from Wichman. It will well felt in Schurz and Hawthorne region too
17:10 UTC (local time Friday, February 24, 2012 at 09:10 AM @ epicenter) - M 5.3 moderate deep earthquake in Northern Colombia (@ 169 km depth) with epicenter located 48 km S Floridablanca. Weak shaking will have felt in 300+ km radius. NO DAMAGE EXPECTED
13:43 UTC (local time Friday, February 24, 2012 at 08:43 AM @ epicenter) - M 4.1 moderate shallow earthquake recorded in Island of Hawaii, Hawaii (@ 5 km depth) with epicenter located just 8 km W of Volcano. People of Volcano will have felt moderate shaking of MMI V. Light to weak shaking will have felt in Mountain View, Hawaiian Acres, Kurtistown, Pahala, Ainaloa, Hilo, Kailua-Kona and Kalaoa region. Kilauea volcano lies just 2 km far from epicenter Earthquake Felt In Hawaii? Click here
07:02 UTC (local time Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 09:02 PM @ epicenter)
Felt Reports Received by Disaster Report through "Felt reports Form"
Volcano: enough to shake
Another M 4.3 strong shallow earthquake in Hawaii Islands (@ 6 km depth) after six hours with epicenter located 8 km W from Volcano. People of Volcano will have felt strong shaking of MMI VI - M 4.7 moderate deep earthquake in Southern Peru (@ 121 km depth) with epicenter located 158 km WNW from Arequipa. Weak shaking will have felt above epicenter
06:50 UTC (local time Friday, February 24, 2012 at 01:50 AM @ epicenter) - M 5.0 moderate earthquake strikes Leyte, Philippines today (@ 98 km depth) with epicenter located 5 km NW San benito. Weak shaking will have felt in San jose and Butuan region. Being deep + epicenter in Philippine Sea, the shaking intensity has decreased. Surigao is 60 km far and Paco volcano of Mindanao, Philippines lies 43 km far from epicenter.Earthquake Felt In Philippines? Click here
05:42 UTC (local time Friday, February 24, 2012 at 01:42 PM @ epicenter)
PHIVOLCS mentions M 5.0 @ 78 km depth 11 km SE of San Isidro (Surigao del Norte). Intensity IV - Dapa and Gen. Luna Surigao Del Norte, Siargao Island; Intensity III - Surigao City; Cabadbaran, Agusan del Sur; Intensity II - Carrascal, Surigao del Sur; Butuan City - M 4.8 moderate earthquake near the South Coast of Honshu, Japan (@ 76 km depth) with epicenter located 23 km NNE of Tokyo. It will have well felt in Tokyo. JMA mentions M 4.3 @ 70 km depth in Ibaraki-ken Nambu region with max. intensity 3 in different parts of Tochigi and Ibaraki region
04:10 UTC (local time Friday, February 24, 2012 at 01:10 PM @ epicenter) - M 4.4 moderate deep earthquake in Northern Colombia (@ 151 km depth) with epicenter located 30 km S Floridablanca. It will have well felt Jordán and Piedecuesta region of Colombia
03:05 UTC (local time Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 10:05 PM @ epicenter) - M 4.6 moderate deep earthquake in Peru-Ecuador border region (@ 160 km depth) with epicenter located 265 km ESE of Riobamba, Ecuador. Weak shaking will have felt around epicenter area
02:56 UTC (local time Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 09:56 PM @ epicenter)
- M 4.9 moderate deep harmless sea quake South of Fiji Islands (@ 166 km depth) with epicenter located 364 km N of Raoul Island, Kermadec Islands. It will have just faintly felt
02:40 UTC (local time Friday, February 24, 2012 at 02:40 PM @ epicenter) - M 4.0 moderate shallow earthquake in Western Turkey (@ 7 km depth) with epicenter located 32 km SW Ezine. The populated area Balikesir is 155 km where it will have just faintly felt (due to epicenter in Argean Sea)
01:00 UTC (local time 03:00; 2012/02/24 @ epicenter) - M 3.5 weak shallow earthquake in Switzerland with epicenter located 27 km S Zurich (@ 32 km depth). Light shaking will have felt in Zug (just 2 km far) and weak shaking of MMI II-III will have felt in Zurich. Switzerland seismological center mentions M 3.5 @ 33 km depth in Zug region.It is around same area where earlier M 4.1 earthquake hit on Feb. 12
00:32 UTC (local time 01:32; 2012/02/24 @ epicenter)
Felt Reports Received by Disaster Report through "Felt reports Form"
Maksim Kirilenko from Schutzenstrasse: around 01 a.m. I felt weak shaking of wall and window
Zurich: slight than earlier which we had about two weeks ago!
EMSC Felt Reports Earthquake Felt In Switzerland? Click here
Menzingen: Das Gefuehl einer unterirdischen Explosion, leichte Druckwelle mit Fenster vibrieren und Waende knacken
Gächlingen: Es war fast nicht spürbar, aber dennoch leicht. Es gab kein Geräusch, oder Erschütterung. Es hat sich wie "Etwas Bewegt" Ich dachte komischerweise "- vielleicht ein kleiner Erdstoss-". Sass am Computer zum Zeitpunkt als es war.
Recent Volcanic Activity
- Hawaii/Kilauea Recent Volcanic Activity
-Color Code ORANGE : Alert Level WATCH
-Increased activity overnight that included two M 4+ earthquakes occurring amongst more than 70 additional earthquakes in the past 24 hours
-The most recent (preliminary) sulfur dioxide emission rate measurement was 850 tonnes/day on February 22, 2012
Recent Flood Update
- Flooding in Nagari Simpang city of Indonesia
-About 120 houses destroyed
-Five to six of the houses carried away by the water current
-Residents of Nagari Sampang evacuated to an elementary school building at Mudiak Simpang - Flood warning for the Calcasieu River, Allen
-Moderate flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is forecast in the Calcasieu River near Oberlin
-Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast for the Calcasieu River near Kinder
-The river is forecast to fall to below flood stage by Saturday morning
Recent Cyclones
Other Disasters
- Regarding the Japan Tsunami, it is predicted that the debris could wash up along the West Coast of the United States by next year (new animation shows its probable path). The deadly earthquake off the east coast of Japan on March 11, 2011, produced about 25 million tons of debris.
- A brush fire burned 3 acres of land in Hudson Highlands State Park
- Moderate to heavy snow with rates of 2 to 3 inches is forecast in Chicago by late today
- Fire burned 11 houses in Pyuthan. Nepal. With start of summer, forest fire becomes common in Nepal
"Recent Natural Disasters List" Page
This page contains the Daily list of all Recent Natural Disasters around the world. The

The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS, EDIS..Get latest information of any disasters in our daily page Recent Natural Disasters List.
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Natural Disasters List
Tags: natural disasters list, 2012 natural disasters list, recent natural disasters, natural disasters 2012 list, 2012 disasters list, recent natural disasters list, recent natural disasters 2012, current natural disasters, natural disasters 2012, natural disasters list 2012, recent natural disasters in 2012, list of natural disasters in 2012, recent disasters, list of natural disasters, natural disasters January 2012, earthquake in Hawaii, earthquake in montenegro 24 2 2012, recent natural disasters, natural disasters 2012 list, world disasters, disaster report, recent earthquakes, felt earthquakes, leyte earthquake 2/24/2012, earthquake surigao february 24,2012, earthquake today philippine feb. 24, 2012, recent volcanic eruptions, recent flood, recent cyclones, fire, drought, recent volcanic activity, earthquake zurich, zurich earthquake today, earthquake in Quebec, Quebec earthquake, earthquake in canada, natural disasters in canada, disasters on february 22nd, natural disasters so far, 2012 natural disasters new alerts, current natural disaster feb. 24, 2012, current volcanic activity february 24,2012, Cyclone Giovanna in Madagascar, Hilwa, volcano 24 feb 2012, natural disasters 2012 so far, latest natural catastrophes, feb 24 earthquake, recent earthquakes 02/24/2012, recent catastrophes, latest natural disasters 2012 february, earthquake report 2/24/2012, earthquake february 24, 2012, disaster 02.24.2012, February 24 2012 Earthquake, 24th february 2012 natural disasters, earthquake 24 february, february 24 2012 flooding, natural disasters 2/24/12, 24/02/12 disaster, desastres naturales del 24 de febrero del 2012, natural disasters list february 25, 2012/02/25