Disaster Report: Contains Daily list Of Recent Natural Disasters Around The World With Detail Update Report.
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Recent Natural Disasters List
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Recent World Disasters
Recent Felt Earthquakes
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- M 4.7 moderate earthquake in Costa Rica (@ 45 km depth) with epicenter located 43 km (26 miles) SSE of San Jose. Light shaking of MMI IV will have felt above epicenter.Did You Feel It?? Click here
17:34 UTC (local time Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 11:34 AM @ epicenter) - M 5.1 moderate earthquake in Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan (@ 13 km depth) with epicenter located 30 km NW Hitachi. JMA mentions M 5.1 @ 10 km depth in Ibaraki-ken Hokubu region. Max. JMA intensity M 5-. Weak shaking will have felt in capital Tokyo too. Did You Feel It?? Click here
05:54 UTC (local time Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 02:54 PM @ epicenter)
M 4.5 another moderate earthquake after 8 hours in Honshu, Japan (@ 45 km depth) with epicenter located 40 km SW of Iwaki - M 2.7 weak shallow earthquake in Virginia (@ 5 km depth) with epicenter located 44 km ESE of Charlottesville. It will have well felt in Louisa, Mineral, Palmyra, Bumpass, Gum Spring and neighboring region of Virginia
07:12 UTC (local time Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 02:12 AM @ epicenter) - M 4.2 moderate very shallow earthquake in Eastern Kazakhstan (@ 1 km depth) with epicenter located 26 km NW Energeticheskiy. Almaty is just 41 km far where light shaking of MMI IV will have felt.Almaty is located in a mountainous area of southern Kazakhstan, near the border with Kyrgyzstan. NO DAMAGE REPORTED Did You Feel It?? Click here
EMSC Felt Reports
Almaty (Kazakhstan): Был один единственный толчок,сопровождался звуком (грохот), задрожали окна. Даже сразу не понял, что это было землетрясенье... думал с крыши упал снег на нижнюю кровлю магазина...
05:23 UTC (local time 11:23; 2012/02/19 @ epicenter) - M 4.0 shallow earthquake strikes Peru, today (@ 32 km depth) with epicenter located 28 km S of Ica. Max. MMI II for Ica. Just weak shaking will have felt around epicenter. It is the same area where earlier M 6.3 injured many people (Peru earthquake Jan. 30, 2012) Did You Feel It?? Click here
2:56 UTC (local time 21:56; 18/02/2012 @ epicenter) - M 4.2 moderate shallow earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico (@ 16 km depth) with epicenter located just below Huatulco. Light shaking of MMI IV will have felt around epicenter. Weak shaking will have felt as far as Oaxaca, Mexico. Did You Feel It?? Click here
02:18 UTC (local time Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 08:18 PM @ epicenter)
Recent Volcanic Activity
- Alaska/Kanaga recent Volcanic Activity
-AVO elevated the Aviation Color Code to YELLOW and the Volcano Alert Level to ADVISORY at 13:12 AST (22:12 UTC) yesterday
-AVHRR satellite data from 15:35 UTC shows a probable, small ash plume, 8 km in length, of unknown altitude, at about 39 km (24 mi) NE of the volcano.
Recent Flood Update
- Flash flood in Sydney, Australia
-Severe storm which caused flash flood in Sydney has affected Banksia, Rockdale, Padstow Heights and Sylvania region
-Several roads in the Sydney metropolitan area closed due to flooding
-Storms are currently heading to the northern beaches and Hornsby area
Recent Cyclones
- Tropical Storm "Giovanna" active in Madagascar. It is currently moving away from Madagascar towards Indian Ocean. GREEN ALERT Click to track Cyclone Giovanna in Madagascar
Other Disasters
- Recent study shows that wildfire kills 339,000 people worldwide each year. Most of those deaths are concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Southeast Louisiana and parts of Mississippi are under a severe thunderstorm warning, a tornado watch and a flash-flood watch. The tornado watch lasts until 3 p.m. today and the flash-flood watch is in effect until at least 6 p.m
"Recent Natural Disasters List" Page
This page contains the Daily list of all Recent Natural Disasters around the world. The

The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS, EDIS..Get latest information of any disasters in our daily page Recent Natural Disasters List.
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Natural Disasters List
Tags: natural disasters list, 2012 natural disasters list, recent natural disasters, natural disasters 2012 list, 2012 disasters list, recent natural disasters list, recent natural disasters 2012, current natural disasters, natural disasters 2012, natural disasters list 2012, recent natural disasters in 2012, list of natural disasters in 2012, recent disasters, list of natural disasters, natural disasters January 2012, recent natural disasters, natural disasters 2012 list, world disasters, disaster report, recent earthquakes, felt earthquakes, recent volcanic eruptions, recent flood, recent cyclones, fire, drought, recent volcanic activity, current natural disaster feb. 19, 2012, Cyclone Giovanna in Madagascar, latest natural catastrophes, feb19 earthquake, recent earthquakes 02/19/2012, recent catastrophes, latest natural disasters 2012 february, earthquake report 2/19/2012, earthquake february 19, 2012, disaster 02.19.2012, February 19 2012 Earthquake, 19th february 2012 natural disasters, earthquake peru 2012 febuary 19, earthquake 19 february, Almaty earthquake,feb. 19,2012earthquake hitachi, japan, february 19 2012 flooding, 2-19-2012 earthquake virginia