Disaster Report: Strong shallow stuck today in Bio-Bio, Chile with epicenter near to populated city Talcahuano and Concepcion of Chile
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Chile Earthquake Pager Map; USGS |
April 17, 2012: M 6.5 Very strong earthquake rocks Valparaiso, Chile, Click here
According to the information provided by the Seismological Service of the U. Chile, the aftershocks magnitude corresponds to 4.1 Richter and was located 36 km northwest of Concepción, with a depth of 15 kms
No reported damage to people, disruption to basic services or infrastructure product of this earthquake
M 4.9 moderate aftershocks shallower than earlier (@ 28 km depth)with epicenter 57 km NNW from Concepcion, Chile
ONEMI updates its data with following felt intensities
Christmas: III, Pichilemu: II, Ranchi: II, San Fernando: II
Constitution: IV, Curicó: III, Iloca: III., Longford: VI, Molina: V, Parral: IV, Pelluhue: IV, Rio Claro: III, Talca: III, Villa Alegre: VI
Arauco: VI, Chillán: V, Cobquecura: VI, Conception: VI, Colonel: VI, Laja: V, Lebu: III, Los Angeles: V, Penco: VI, San Rosendo: V, Talcahuano: VI, Tirúa: III, Tome: VI
La Araucania
Angola: IV, Carahue: IV, Padre las Casas: III, Renaico: IV, Temuco: III
People in Tome will have felt strongest jolt of MMI VI. More than 252,000 people will have felt strong shaking
USGS has updated the magnitude to M 6.2 @ 19.6 km depth with following epicenter location
50 km N of Concepcion, Bio-Bio, Chile
80 km SW of Cauquenes, Maule, Chile
90 km WNW of Chillan, Bio-Bio, Chile
393 km SSW of SANTIAGO, Region Metropolitana, Chile
Some seismologists had this one listed as high as 6.4 in Magnitude, strong shaking and power outages reported
List of networks contributing to real time system
2012-01-23 16:04 M 5.8 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE NEIR
2012-01-23 16:04 M 5.8 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE NEIR
2012-01-23 16:04 M 6.0 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE GFZ
2012-01-23 16:04 M 6.4 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE SC3
2012-01-23 16:04 M 6.4 ARAUCANIA, CHILE
People from epicenter area mentions, "The earthquake was strong but quick with strong, strange sound"
GDACS mentions, based on an automated impact model, this earthquake, which occurred in a region with low vulnerability to natural disasters, has potentially a low humanitarian impact.
The population in the area of this earthquake is 75 people/km
Carriel Sur International Airport lies 28 km far and General Bernando O Higgins Airport of Chile lies 60 km far from the epicenter
NO TSUNAMI RISK can have many aftershocks but NO MAJOR DAMAGE EXPECTED
ONEMI mentions MMI VI for Longaví, Villa Alegre, Arauco, Cobquecura, Concepción, Coronel, Talcahuano, Tomé and
MMI V for Molina, Chillán, Laja, Los Ángeles, San Rosendo
Recent earthquakes in this area have caused secondary hazards such as landslides and liquefaction that might have contributed to losses
ONEMI mentions Max. MMI value VI with magnitude 5.8 @ 16.5 km depth, 62 km northwest of Concepción
EMSC mentions M 5.9 @ 10 km depth
M 5.8 strong shallow earthquake in Offshore Bio-Bio, Chile with epicenter located 50 km N of Concepcion, Bio-Bio, Chile. About 10,000 people will have felt strong shaking of MMI VI. People of Tome, Penco, Talcahuano,Concepcion, Chiguayante and Coronel will have felt moderate shaking of MMI V. In Chillan and Los Angeles area, light shaking will have felt.
The Region has been hit by many Chilean earthquakes, including the most powerful earthquake ever recorded (in 1960) and the great earthquake of 2010. Many communities in the region were greatly affected by the earthquake of 2010 and the subsequent tsunami. That earthquake damaged Talcahuano and Dichato; the tsunami destroyed much of what remained (source wikipedia)
16:04 UTC (local time Monday, January 23, 2012 at 01:04 PM @ epicenter)
Epicenter location (Vegas de Itata, Region del Biobio)
50 km (31 miles) N of Concepcion, Bio-Bio, Chile
80 km (49 miles) SW of Cauquenes, Maule, Chile
90 km (55 miles) WNW of Chillan, Bio-Bio, Chile
393 km (244 miles) SSW of SANTIAGO, Region Metropolitana, Chile
Concepcion Earthquake
people are saying many more aftershocks will stuck in Concepcion, Chile today :(