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Recent Natural Disasters List
Recent World Disasters
- Compostela Landslide, Philippines (UPDATED 2012/1/9)
-The death toll in the Pantukan, Compostela Valley landslide has now risen to 32 with 16 injured and 38 sill missing
-Officials are now under heavy criticism for allegedly condoning illegal mining activities in the area. The area had been declared a “no man’s land” by the government
-90% of the miners in the area were not from the province (+ Compostela Landslide)-LGU Pantukan dispatched seven (7) trucks to the landslide site to assist in the
conduct of SAR and retrieval operations
-PRC Comval and Davao City Chapters are now assisting in the SAR and relief
-BFP-COMVAL is also in the area providing services at the landslide area
Small scale miners and APEX Miners also assisted in the SAR operations
According to GMA News Research, the landslide victims in Compostela Valley include:
• May 16, 2003: 4 dead in Pantukan, Compostela Valley
• December 19, 2003: 1 child died in Mount Diwata, Moncayo, Compostela Valley
• June 19, 2006: at least 6 dead in Barangay Napnapan, Pantukan, Compostela Valley
• May 9, 2007: 5 dead in Mount Diwata, Monkayo, Compostela Valley
• August 6, 2007: At least 7 dead in Maco, Compostela Valley
• September 6-7, 2008: 25 dead, one missing near Apex Mining Corporation
• November 21, 2008: 6 dead in Brgy. Upper Ulip, Monkayo, Compostela Valley
• November 21, 2008: 7 dead in Purok 17 near Brgy. Upper Ulip
• May 18, 2009: 24 dead in Barangay Napnapan, Pantukan, Compostela Valley
• April 22, 2011: 14 dead, 14 injured in Panganason-B, Brgy. Kingking, Pantukan, Compostela Valley
• January 5, 2012: At least 32 dead
-Death toll has now risen to 36
-16 persons rescued, 5 still in hospital and about 40 people still to be traced - Deadly Flood in South Eastern Brazil (UPDATED 2012/1/9)
-12 people died, 2 are still missing in the cities of Santo Antônio do Rio Abaixo and Reunião de Minas, 906 people are homeless and 5,243 buildings damaged or destroyed by flooding in Brazil
-More relief packages for states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo soon
-In the first six days of the year, it rained equivalent to 77% of the volume expected for the entire month of January in Belo Horizonte (MG)
-In another disaster, people of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina are suffering from drought
Recent Felt Earthquakes
Did You Feel It!! Let Us Know> Click here
- M 5.1 moderate earthquake in Valparaiso, Chile (@ 59 km depth) close to La ligua. Moderate shaking of MMI V will have felt in La ligua and Quillota region. People of Santiago,Valparaíso and Viña del Mar city will have also felt Weak shaking
21:30 UTC (local time Monday, January 09, 2012 at 06:30 PM @ epicenter)
EMSC Felt Reports
Chile: First strong "shock" then short pause then the "waves" - M 3.6 weak shallow earthquake in Belint, Romania (@ 6 km depth). People of Belint and Lugoj will have light shaking and weakly felt in populated area of Timisoara, Romania too
19:56 UTC (Local time 21:56; 2012/1/9 @ epicenter) - M 5.2 moderate earthquake in Southern Iran (@ 15 km depth) with epicenter located 71 km WSW of Bandar `Abbas, Iran. People of Qeshm, Bandar `Abbas and Bandar-e Lengeh will have felt light shaking. It will have felt as far as Al Khasab, Oman
19:53 UTC (local time Monday, January 09, 2012 at 11:23 PM @ epicenter) - M 3.4 shallow earthquake in New Zealand (@ 30 km depth) with epicenter just below Tangoio, Woodville County. People of Bay view, Havelock North, Napier and Otane have felt light shaking of MMI IV whereas those of Frimley have felt weak shaking
12:48 UTC (local time 1:48 am, Tuesday, January 10 2012 @ epicenter) - M 4.0 very shallow earthquake in Tunisia (@ 2 km depth) with epicenter just 29 km NE Suq ahras. It will have well felt by the people of Gar-ad-dima and Suq ahras,Tunisia
12:45 UTC (local time 13:45; 2012/1/9 @ epicenter)
- M 6.6 strong shallow (@ 39 km depth) sea quake in Santa Cruz Island Region (Solomon Is. Province) with epicenter located 71 km W of least populated area Lata (pop 538). About 14,000 people will have experienced strong shaking of MMI VI.This earthquake can have a low humanitarian impact since the affected region is unpopulated and has medium resilience for natural disasters. It is a hilly region with a maximum altitude of 481 m. Following The Hawaii-based U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, NO TSUNAMI ALERT
04:07 UTC (local time Monday, January 09, 2012 at 03:07 PM @ epicenter) - M 3.1 weak shallow earthquake near to the populated area of Thessaloníki, Greece (@ 5 km depth). It will have well felt in Exokhí, Neápolis and Thessaloníki area of Greece> Did You Feel It!! Let Us Know> Click here
03:22 UTC (local time 05:22; 2012/1/9 @ epicenter)
EMSC Felt Reports
Pylaia (Greece): Had a very short duration, a relatively small magnitude and quite a loud sound; yet it was enough to wake me up.
Close proximity to the epicenter and low depth made me feel the quake to be stronger than the actual measurement
Sykies (Greece): Lasted about 3-4 seconds, felt quite strong but it was clearly a surface earthquake. Woke me and my family up
Thessalonika (Greece): Σαφέστατα αντιληπτός ο σεισμός λόγω εγγύτητας στο επίκεντρο καθώς και λόγω πολύ χαμηλού βάθους. Πολύ μικρή η διάρκειά του με σαφή δόνηση και πολύ μικρό θόρυβο. Με ξύπνησε και με ανησύχησε αλλά τελικώς συνέχισα τον ύπνο μου
Thessalonika (Greece): Had barely fallen asleep when an uproar was heard and shortly after the walls started trembling. Lasted a few seconds only but was enough to make me lose my sleep. Could have been worse, given that it appears to have been pretty close to the surface, 5km
Oraiokastro (Greece): One of the reasons Im moving away from Greece is because of the earthquakes. Theyre too frightening - M 2.7 weak shallow earthquake (@ 5 km depth) in Oklahoma with epicenter located just 25 km ENE of OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma. People of Choctaw, Jones, Spencer, Newalla, Shawnee, Norman will have felt well shaking (@ Recent Oklahoma earthquakes)
02:50 UTC (local time Sunday, January 08, 2012 at 08:50 PM @ epicenter) - M 3.0 weak shallow earthquake in Van, Turkey. It will have felt well by the people of Ercis and Van, Turkey.The epicenter is near to Lake Van, the same area where M 7.2 deadly earthquake 605+ lives in Turkey in 2011 (@ Turkey earthquake 2011)
00:15 UTC (local time 02:15; 2012/1/9 @ epicenter)
Recent Volcanic Activity
- Hawaii/Kilauea Recent Volcanic Activity
-Color Code ORANGE : Alert Level WATCH
-Looking past 24 hours, eruptive activity remained slightly elevated at both vents but waned overnight
-Five earthquakes recorded beneath Kilauea volcano: one deep quake beneath the lower southwest rift zone and four on south flank faults
Recent Cyclones
- Tropical Storm "CHANDA-12" with current wind speed 17 m/s is active in Madagascar. People living in coastal areas below 5m can be affected by storm surge. However, GREEN ALERT for Madagascar
Other Disaster News
- 1042 lightning strikes were detected within a 50-kilometre radius of the Sydney CBD last night!! Now, skies are starting to clear
- Snow Storm in Bulgaria: State of emergency declared in northwestern Bulgarian municipality of Roma
- State of emergency declared due to cold wave in the city of Mumbai, India. The Met. Department issued guidelines for citizens to increase their intake of Old Monk rum and have sex to keep their body warm !!
"Recent Natural Disasters List" Page
This page contains the Daily list of all Recent Natural Disasters around the world. The

The disaster data are collected from different sources like USGS, EMSC, GDACS, EDIS..Get latest information of any disasters in our daily page Recent Natural Disasters List.
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Natural Disasters List
small and fast felt in Choctaw, Oklahoma